As cars get smarter, our hope as cyclists is that they get safer too – and not just for their occupants. While Volvo led the way back in 2013 with the first Cyclist Detection Braking System, other vehicle manufactures are following suit. The latest to (automatically) brake for cyclists, is Spanish automaker, SEAT.
Citing the fact that in Europe, Cyclists are involved in 8% of all road collisions, SEAT’s new Front Assist feature is designed to detect other vehicles, as well as cyclists. If the front mounted radar system detects a cyclist in the road way ahead, it will start with an audible and visual warning. If that doesn’t get the driver’s attention in time, the car will deploy the brakes automatically between 0.8 and 1 second before a possible collision.
Obviously, the driver should be in control and aware of the cyclists long before the system kicks in. But given the level of distracted driving out there, any help from the car itself seems welcomed. The Front Assist feature is offered on the new SEAT Tarraco SUV. For more on cyclist detection systems and the SEAT Front Assist, check out Carlton Reid’s piece for Forbes, here.