Earlier this year, Silca unveiled their Ultimate Chain Wax system to make the process easier than ever. Now, you can add faster or more durable as well. Adding to their StripChip chain cleaning wax additive, Silca now offers the SpeedChip and EnduranceChip that claim to offer said benefits.

All of these products build on the Silca Secret Chain Blend hot melt wax performance, which Silca points out has been “on top of the ZeroFrictionCycling charts for the last 3 years with many competitors reformulating to get close, but none of them able to beat it.” Their reasoning is that Secret Chain Blend is a mix of four unique types of wax rather than just paraffin.
But after working with “professional cyclists, WorldTour teams, and now Olympic medalists,” Silca is responding to requests for specific chain wax blends for individual goals like Leadville, Unbound, short Time Trials, track racing, and more.

Enter the two new chips, EnduranceChip and SpeedChip. Like the StripChip, these chips are meant to be melted together with Secret Chain Blend in the new Ultimate Chain Wax System. EnduranceChip is a semi-synthetic wax blend with “some of the longest molecular chain lengths possible in a wax for ultimate durability.” The resulting wax is said to last 2-3x longer, which should work out to 600-800km, (372-500 mi). The wax will be slightly less efficient than Secret Chain Blend alone, but still faster than traditional wet or dry lubes.
SpeedChip on the other hand is a full synthetic wax made from the same base oils as Silca Synergetic. Silca states this has proven to increase chain efficiency by up to 0.6″ over Secret Chain Blend, but it won’t last as long. Expect up to 8hrs of use on a SpeedChip depending on conditions.

According to Silca, no more than four SpeedChips and four EnduranceChips should be added to a full bag of Secret Chain Blend Hot Melt Wax, so there is a limit to the performance.

- Event-specific performance.
- SpeedChip improves efficiency up to 0.6% (1.5w savings on 250w input) for events up to 8 hours or ~200km (125 miles).
- EnduranceChip can extend Secret Chain Blend application longevity from 300-350km to 600-800km(up to 24hrs of use) with only 0.4% efficiency loss (1w on 250w input) compared to Secret Chain Blend.
- The SpeedChip and EnduranceChip forever alter the wax in your pot to be that specific formula.
- SpeedChip and EnduranceChip are also compatible with Strip Chip when used according to directions.
- Developed for Silca Secret Chain Blend: For best results use with Silca Secret Chain Blend hot melt wax and the Silca Ultimate Chain Wax System.
Available now, each SpeedChip or EnduranceChip is sold for $29.00 each, with a 5% discount for two, or a 15% discount for four or more.