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Slay The Bay! Hans Rey and Brett Tippie shred urban MTB in San Francisco in feature length film

Slay The Bay, Hans Rey, San Francisco
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The masterful skills of Hans Rey plus the riding and raucous comedy of Brett Tippie is enough to make a great video already, but it only gets more promising when this legendary duo plans a trip that pays homage to the past and future of our sport.

Rey’s latest adventure travel video ‘Slay The Bay’ takes these two legends around the San Francisco Bay Area, where they explore the city and its outskirts on their MTB’s and ebikes. Watch as Rey and Tippie go from racing against old-school Klunkers in Marin County to shredding with today’s Junior DH World Champion Jackson Goldstone. Get ready for some killer riding and a bunch of cheesy jokes!

From Hans Rey:

“Slay The Bay is the latest destination for Hans Rey on his urban mountain bike adventure quest. During his five day traverse of the San Francisco Bay area he was joined by Freeride pioneer Brett Tippie. On the first stage in Marin County they got to ride the famous Repack Downhill with some of the original Klunkers; and on the last day they were joined by the current Junior Downhill World Champion, Jackson Goldstone. In between they got to ride some of the best trails in the area and also explore this unique California city with its famous landmarks and diverse neighbourhoods. Highlighting some of the Bay City’s culture, history and amazing nature surrounding this concrete jungle while riding both their mountain bikes and ebikes. This 32 minute adventure travel documentary film was captured in 4K – get yourself some popcorn and a beverage.”

Slay The Bay, still, tabletop

*Video by No Way Productions, photos by Carmen Rey and Kyle Emery-Peck.


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3 years ago

Hope Hans found his phone later lost at 17:49 🙂

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