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This Garage is What A Cyclist Dreams Heaven Looks Like

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Dream Room Security Keypad

In this man’s house, behind a sliding door that is activated by a security pin code, is the greatest cycling lair we’ve ever seen.

Slip past the break at your own risk…
Dream Bike Room Entrance

Once the correct pin is entered, the sliding door opens to reveal…

Dream Bike Room

This beautiful collection.

Dream Bike Room Campi Drawer

Filled with magazines, a collection of mint vintage parts, and frames.

Dream ROom Details

But wait wait, there’s so much more…

Dream Room Bikes

Cue the angels singing hallelujah.

Dream Room More bIkes

Another view.

Dream Room Spotlight

Just when you think this man’s life couldn’t get any better, you realize there’s even more to the collection.

Dream Room Frames

There are some tremendously nice bikes in this collection.

More Bikes

See anything you like?

Via Campagnolo Delta Brakes

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Jack Luke
11 years ago

I’ll tell you what I don’t like; That whole pile of bike stuff not being used.

11 years ago

Just fantastic! Awesome collection, nice hang out. Really cool

Mat Long
11 years ago

I may have that beat in about 12 months.

11 years ago

There’s not a single work stand or tool in that entire space. #brodoyouevenride?

11 years ago

Too many road bikes…

11 years ago

Nice but I bet Robin Williams collection has him beat.

11 years ago

+1 for Bob, i was thinking the same thing

Mat Long
11 years ago

Oh hell yes Saris.

11 years ago

@ Pedals
With the scratch this must have cost, I’m betting the guy has either A) a totally separate work station that is equally impressive, B) owns a shop where he does his work, or C) never rides because he’s working all the time to pay for this collection.

11 years ago

Is it just me, or does the backward forks drive you crash also?

11 years ago

Awesome room, but I personally think old bikes are boring. But then again, I’m sure the owner of all those is a bit older than I.

Jason Spiker
Jason Spiker
11 years ago

For the people who have no idea what you are looking at, just don’t comment.

11 years ago

OH MY DEAR SWEET LORD JESUS! This is beautiful!

11 years ago

Why even bother displaying a beautiful frame if you’re going to turn the fork around the wrong way? It’s like a supermodel with her head on backwards. Just wrong.

Measure twice, cut once, maybe then your frames will fit in their display areas.

11 years ago

kinda hate to +1 kevin there but the backward forks really do detract from the impact

Trey Richardson
11 years ago

I was waiting for someone to comment on the “backwards” fork. Kevin, that is actually what is called a stayer bike. The fork is like that so that a rider can get closer to the motorcycle its pacing behind. They’re not well known outside the velodrome but due to how close they follow behind the motorcycle, there is a roller on the back of the motorcycle for the stayer’s front wheel to spin incase contact is made.

11 years ago

Look, a steel road bike, and a classic steel road bike, and another road bike…. yawwwwn. Nice to see those dinosaurs in a beautiful museum though.

11 years ago

So… Where’s…. Where’s the bar?

11 years ago

Kevin and pete:

Maybe those are just extra rare stayer bikes for derny racing?

11 years ago

Not one of those bikes rips. Just a bunch of old technology. Does nothing for me.

11 years ago

Always nice to see how fellow cyclists celebrate their passion for this pastime of ours. Hats off! Maybe BR can start up a ‘Cribs’ series for our enjoyment?

11 years ago

I’m with jack luke. unused sleds are sad enough but to have that many…no thanks. ain’t hatin just statin’. what he better have is an even better workbench/area.
dig the bruce lee figurines, though.

Psi Squared
Psi Squared
11 years ago

Amazing. If it were me, however, I’d have a giant metal door that slides open–once the security code is entered–to reveal a massive room with bikes, a repair station, a gigundo TV for indoor trainer sessions, several beers on tap at the bar, and cardboard cutouts of Victoria Pendleton everywhere.

11 years ago

Totally sweet if your into that. I like the hardwood floors. But this seems like a hipsters dream garage. No mountain bikes? That white rigid fixie doesn’t count. Again, totally sweet if this is your steez, but I’d like to see a mountain bikers dream garage. How about it??

11 years ago

I know it is probably too good to be true, but I don’t see a single Specialized.

11 years ago

These pics make me feel kinda funny. Like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.

11 years ago

Classy collection, but needs more MTB and less brass and silver brazing.

11 years ago

@jackluke and @satisFACTORYrider

This is great. Here is a person keeping a cache of history, and not letting fixie riders destroy it.

Also note the vinyl Smurfs from Germany, vinyl Bruce Lee figurines, and die-cut Iron Man. Obviously this person is a collector. Think of it the same way as you would a records keeper or a historian. Plenty of bikes from the makers and eras represented have died on the road or rusted away. Thank goodness someone put a few away.

11 years ago

@scott- i love museums. just not in my house. air up and ride em all. all the time! not knockin the collection or the collector. i did give props for bruce

11 years ago

All those bikes, and not a single one newer than 10 years old in terms of technology. Kind of a let-down for all the hype of a key code. Also, lack of mountain bikes saddens me.

But that’s just me…

11 years ago


Forks are turned that way to stop them toppling forward., and it allows them to be moved around pretty simply.

If you look at the blog, the guy is a surgeon who does volunteer reconstructive surgery for people in India with deformaties. I don’t have much issue if they don’t get ridden because he doesn’t have the time…

11 years ago

ALL over that “bike cribs” idea. Even super basic ones are still interesting.

11 years ago

What??? No Beer Tap?

11 years ago

I wonder what would happen when/if people do get a peek inside Robbin Williams’ garage … ?

11 years ago

you could give them out to 40 teenage kids, without the money to buy their own road worthy bike, that would be cool. this is just boring. look at all those things meant to be fast, stapled to a wall, lined up in rows of potential energy just waiting for entropy to turn this room into something amazing. this is my aunt’s couch under uncomfortable plastic, but it’s clean.

11 years ago

Beautiful collection! For those commenting that there are not enough mtb’s I guess that was not the owner’s passion… for those that want to see a sectre cellar full of collectable MTB’s visit this secret sellar somewhere in Switzerland:

11 years ago

I laughed when I saw the Campagnolo parts in the glass case

11 years ago

no mountain bikes that l saw. so its more of a hell for me.

11 years ago

meh. i’ll chose my mechanic’s shop over a museum any day.

11 years ago

There should be a Campagnolo seat post in that show case.

11 years ago

This is a great collection. Lovely to see such beautiful machines so lovingly displayed. Please be gracious guys.

11 years ago

not impressed. too clean. too ocd.

11 years ago

i’d prefer Ah Joo’s garage anytime.


Trey R
Trey R
11 years ago

The forks are not backwards….. those are “Stayer” frames. (designed to motor pace VERY closely behind a motorcycle on the velodrome). And if a few people here and there didn’t “preserve” things from our past, history would be lost and we would have little to go on regarding how far we’ve come. Kudos to them for not just piling them up in their basement where they couldn’t be appreciated.

11 years ago

@Trey R
Umm, no they’re not. You can see the “MASI” lettering on one of the fork legs and it is facing the rear of the frame. Had the fork been designed to be used in this orientation, “MASI” lettering would be facing toward the front of the frame. Just a thought.

11 years ago

Not really into the whole “I-collect-bikes-that-I-don’t-ride” mentality (and probably ride no where near as good as some modern bikes). Whatever floats your boat.

Trey Richardson
11 years ago

@ CornerCanyonRider…. You’re right! Not to mention the fork is made for a standard size wheel, (vs a 24″). Good catch! My oversight.

11 years ago

BikeRumor – where nothing anyone does is beyond criticism. Ever.

I could hand out free hotdogs and $100 bills to some of these people and they would bitch about there being no mustard. If not that, tell me I used the wrong franks or buns.

I think the room is cool and I bet the dude really enjoys it. I think that is the point of bikes. Of course, I bet I’m “wrong”.

11 years ago

Would be better if the bikes were actually ridden, i.e. they had a little mud on them. Only mountain bike is an old looking ridged SS.

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