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Tiny Restrap Rear Top Tube Bag tucks in more gear, plus Orange is the new Black!

Restrap mini Rear Top Tube Bag
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Restrap’s Carry Everything Range adds a tiny new Rear Top Tube Bag after revamping their voluminous handlebar bags just over a week ago. Tucked up against your seatpost, it adds an extra 0.8L of narrow waterproof storage to pack tools or small spares when space gets tight. At the same time, Restrap figures not everyone wants a low-key setup, and Orange is the new Black, right.

Restrap mini Rear Top Tube Bag

Restrap mini Rear Top Tube Bag, detail
c. Restrap

Restrap’s new little Rear Top Tube Bag isn’t the first we’ve seen to pack a bit more gear against your seatpost – we’ve tried similarly adaptable packs from Revelate, EVOC, Apidura, and others. In fact, many strap-on toptube bags can be moved out back for those riders with sloping frame designs that need a bit more storage. The trick generally is adding a useful bit of extra space without getting in the way of your legs when pedaling, or when stepping off the bike in front of the saddle.

Tech details & pricing

Restrap mini Rear Top Tube Bag, angled

The Restrap solution is a small 3cm wide x 18cm long x 13cm tall quarter circle with a full-length waterproof zipper along its outside arc, and a 65g claimed weight including the two adjustable position velcro straps.

Restrap mini Rear Top Tube Bag, top view

Inside, a light plastic liner gives the bag structure, stability strapped at just two points (adjustable position to get around your seatclamp), and makes it easy to open one-handed between your legs.

Restrap mini Rear Top Tube Bag, Fairlight bike

The black-only bag features an orange nylon lining to make it easy to find small items inside, and is handmade in Yorkshire, UK. The 100% waterproof Rear Top Tube Bag is available now for £35 / $53 / 42€.

Restrap tweaked Canister Bag

Restrap upgraded Canister Bag, in Orange is the New Black

Another small update in addition to the revamped, 2-size Bar Bag v3, Restrap also upgraded their Canister Bag with the same internal plastic stiffening structure as the new Rear Top Tube Bag. They also add an extra elastic bungee retention strap that lets you secure the bag around your headtube to keep it from bouncing around while riding. Plus, the updated £45 / $68 / 54€ Canister now comes in bright orange & olive green, in addition to standard black.

Orange is the new Black

Restrap Orange Tyre Boot Kit

Not only the Canister in orange, Restrap says their Orange Tyre Boot Kit is more easily found inside the deep dark depths of your overstuffed pack when you need to repair a damaged tire on the side of the road or trail in the waning daylight. Plus, once the tire is booted, the orange patch will always make it easier to find the repair inside a black tire, or to keep an eye on a big cut from the outside through the tread.

Restrap Orange Tyre Boot Kit

Pick up a £9 / $14 / 11€ Tyre Boot Kit to be prepared for your next off-road adventure.


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3 years ago

Surely if the inside of the bag is orange it makes the orange patch kit very difficult to find?

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