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Video: Mtb Bro Rams Dirt Biker

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Usually, when videos like this surface, the collision is a result of a negligent or jerk off driver. In this case of two wheel on two wheel violence, Mr. Mtb was shredding a little too hard for this multi-use trail.

The Youtube user reports the bikers were cruising at around 30 mph around a blind turn when they crashed into the dirt bikers heading uphill. The lead mountain biker possibly suffered a broken arm from the crash.

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11 years ago

Maybe it’s the perspective of the bike making it misleading, but it doesn’t seem these guys were going anywhere near 30mph…

11 years ago

If it is multi purpose, the guys going down should think better about what would happen if someone is coming up…
Even if the biker was stopped he would have crashed at that speed and disregard for safety.

Andy B
Andy B
11 years ago

Not as many videos of cyclists in the wrong. Good job imbecile for helping tarnish mtb’s otherwise conscientious image.

captain derp
captain derp
11 years ago

that’s corral canyon. not the kind of multi-use trail that’s common in the rest of the country. its an OHV area… and dirt bikes can go faster uphill than mountain bikes can go downhill.

11 years ago

Lead rider clearly wasn’t yelling ‘Strava!’ loud enough.

11 years ago

i ride DH in socal. lead rider should ALWAYS have a cow bell – or multiple (not that would have helped in the case of a motor + full face). with that being said, i will not ride down any trail that MX guys ride up. that is just asking for trouble. terrible

11 years ago

Uphill has right of way.

11 years ago

Can’t see where either were at fault. Allowing mixed use in opposite directions is what caused this crash.

captain derp
captain derp
11 years ago

ccolagio – i’ve heard of a few instances in OHV areas when climbing mtb’ers were struck from behind by dirt bikes (and an atv in one case) that were also ascending.

11 years ago

@Bob: People riding like idiots beyond what they can see is what caused the crash. Mixed use in opposite directions is perfectly fine.

The Conductor
The Conductor
11 years ago

I ride both dirt bikes and mountain bikes, and have been on both sides of this equation.

Mountain biker clearly at fault, you always keep to the right on a trial when you can’t see around the corner.

Dirt biker was on his right, moved to center in an evasive action, when he saw mountain biker (on his left) who swerved to the right (were he should have been), causing the crash.

If mountain biker was on his right, they would have passed.

If both riders were on dirt bikes, or mountain bike’s the result would have been the same.

Always stay to the right, even if it’s a crappy line.

11 years ago

Situations like this are only going to get more common as mtb trails are converted to “flow” trails. The lack of obstacles like roots and rocks increases speed and makes trails more dangerous. Bottom line is that if you want to push it on a “flow” trail you should find a one way trail or shell out the dough for a lift ticket.

11 years ago

I used to ride both MTB and Dirt Bike at Lake Morena. Chalk it up as an accident. Both guys tried to avoid the collision. Sometimes $hit happens.

filibuster cash
filibuster cash
11 years ago

Seems like whoever is at fault is moot. Mixing motos and mountain bikes is not the smartest thing in the world. A moto shouldn’t have to worry about some doeheaded mountain biker riding blind, and a mountain biker shouldn’t have to worry about a deaf moto rider. Sticking to purpose built trails will nullify the worries of both constituencies. Most of us avoid popular-with-hikers trails for the same reason. I don’t want to hurt some defenseless pedestrian simply because I’m out to ride “my” trails my way. I agree with duder. . .if you want this kind of speed, ride a one-way trail or a chairlift.

11 years ago

The mountain biker should have heard the moto and moved over. even at idle you can here them from a ways away.

filibuster cash
filibuster cash
11 years ago

Certainly from far enough away that this incident should have never happened. Thanks for that black eye. (I don’t believe we have that “conscientious image”, but that may be a regional problem. Our trails are blown out–axle-deep brake bumps from march to november–from all the shuttle monkeys and skidding fools.) Running into someone the trail was actually designed for isn’t the best P.R. In truth, it’s of the worst order. I think I’ll ride my 70s Raleigh town bike from here on in penance.

11 years ago

WTF the corner is blind for both parties…you play you pay sometimes.

11 years ago

BAM! Brutal body check!

11 years ago

I was involved in a similar accident riding a mountain bike and spent 4 days in the hospital and nearly lost my kidney as a result. The MXer got bruised up. Its a real danger that everyone should consider out on the trail. Always respect other trail users and ride at a safe speed.

Terri Sweet
Terri Sweet
11 years ago


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