There isn’t much more fringe in the cycling family than the tall bike.
But in the midst of a month where advocacy groups left and right are trying to get more people moving around cities by bike, tall bikers may be the perfect example of alternative transport. It doesn’t get much more alternative, and it is all about a DIY approach to repurposing old materials and being self-reliant. Pretty much reserved for those skilled enough to weld together their own creation or brave enough to trust the craftsmanship of a close friend. That starts to sound like resource conservation and a sharing economy right there.
So RedBull thinks tall bikes are going to save the world, and maybe there’s something to that. In any case, they’ve put together a fun 6-part series on the creations and the people behind them in Vancouver. Come on, it’s almost the weekend; hop past the break and watch riders shred tall bikes in the snow, fall from precarious heights, and get doored. There are seriously a lot of good thrills & spills in there…
Tall Bikes Will Save the World!
Part 1. “We may look foolish, but it feels pretty cool being up there.”
Part 2. “As soon as we figured out welding, we were teaching other people to weld the next weekend.”
Part 3. “It’s a tall bike. Let’s not get too serious.”
Part 4. “I’m white knuckle, basically all the time.”
Part 5. “He makes it look so easy. Oh, my heavens. that looks like such fun.”
Part 6. “We didn’t buy it. We built it… What do you mean you can’t buy it!”