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Women Race Bikes Hoping to Give Women’s Professional Cycling a Better Voice

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The site name says it all – Women Race Bikes. But they also don’t get a lot of coverage, sponsorship, prize money, etc. Women Race Bikes is hoping to change that. Founded by Sarai Snyder, WRB hopes to build on the success of Girl Bike Love and Cyclofemme, which Sarai has also used to help improve the state of women’s cycling. While GBL and CycloFemme focused more on the riding aspect, WRB will specifically cover the racing side of things. Whatever women are racing, WRB will cover it including road, TT, mountain, CX, track, even BMX racing. The team led by Sarai even plans to have a custom App built by the creators of Tour Tracker to make following women’s racing even easier.

Currently, WRB is in the fundraising stage with a Flexible Funding campaign through Indiegogo. Ending on July 29, WRB hopes to raise $80,000 to help get the site of the ground and create a one stop shop for everything women’s racing. Want to improve the state of women’s bike racing by way of supporting WRB? Head over to the Indiegogo page and make a contribution.

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10 years ago

Congrats Sarai. I know how much time and effort you put forth to make everything happen. Bravo!

10 years ago

Not sure a One-Stop-Shop website is good for women, or the industry as a whole. What women need is local shops staffed by knowledgable personnel willing to work with them one on one and set them up properly.

10 years ago

^ yes, thank you

10 years ago

Women cyclocrossers like Gould, Compton, and Vos seem to be more popular than their male counterparts in the states. However, I don’t see the same level of competition among women racers as with the men at the world cup level. The women usually parade into the finish line with large gaps between them, and don’t ride as aggresively therefor they aren’t as exciting to watch. My2C. I am super stoked to see any progress in female racing.

10 years ago

$80k to create a website?

Are there really people gullible enough to give this woman their money? I doubt it.

Podiuminsight.com has excellent coverage of domestic women’s racing TODAY.

sarai snyder, I see your future and it involves a regular job.

10 years ago

Why do women require a website and motivational support? Dudes just go out and do it whilst spending all their extra cash on bikes and equipment keeping the industry healthy.

10 years ago

I love it when a bunch of men tell a woman how she’s doing something women-specific incorrectly.

10 years ago


Speaking the truth will get us nowhere. Shish

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