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Fool’s Gold 100 recap

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The Fool’s Gold 100 (and 50) went off perfectly in Dahlonega, GA, this past weekend.  Shown above is the start of the 50 miler, which had close to 200 participants.  Total participation jumped from 120 last year to 300.  Those numbers, combined with the plethora of flyers for other ultra-endurance events stuck on our windshield is proof that riders continue to shift toward longer distance races.  If the Fool’s Gold is indicative of these events, it’s easy to see why they’re so popular:  Kegs, live music, lots of activities, on-site industry support…oh, and some great riding. Not to mention, we totally lucked out with cool weather for the whole day!

More pics and recap after the break…

My friend Scott Vines and I participated in the 50-miler.  Not raced…participated.  After taking pics of both starts (below), my race went something like this:


  1. Help finish first keg the night before the race.
  2. Wake at 5:00am after about 2-1/2 hours of sleep.
  3. Take pics of start.
  4. Scott and I start 20 minutes behind pack.
  5. Get passed by another rider who started even later than we did.
  6. We pass another rider, officially forfeiting the DFL prize of Terrapin Beer.
  7. Hit first check point, refuel, feel good.  Take picture.
  8. Scott drops me.  See Jeremiah Bishop fly past in opposite direction.
  9. Hit second checkpoint, meet up with Scott, refuel.
  10. Handlebar a little loose, spins backward after log drop.  I fly over handlebars.  Lay on ground for a few minutes.
  11. Fix handlebar, get back on track, get stung by bee.
  12. Roll into third checkpoint and comtemplate DNF’ing.
  13. Decide to continue and hit some sweet single-track.  Glad I kept going.
  14. Hands are hurting after using them to soften previous wreck.
  15. Roll into Checkpoint 4 and eat lots of mini Oreos, Pringles and Endurolytes.
  16. To my left, quick exit.  To my right, 17 more miles.
  17. Another rider encourages me to keep going.
  18. Hit some more sweet singletrack and glad I kept rolling.
  19. Dive into last 4 miles, get passed by Jeremiah Bishop. My mileage: 46.  JB’s: 96
  20. Attempt to keep up with JB.  This lasts about two minutes.
  21. Finish in 7:33 in 134th place.
  22. Stretch, refuel, grab beer and mingle.  Notice right wrist swelling.  Good times.
All in all, 50 miles was a lot, but also a lot of fun.  Everyone was super nice and I would highly recommend attending this event in the future.  A big thanks to the volunteers at the checkpoints…these were seriously the most helpful, enthusiastic aid station volunteers I’ve ever seen at a race.  They grabbed your stuff for you, held your bike, practically fed you and filled your bottles for you.  OK, here’s the pics:

100 mile start – 6:45am

50-mile start – 7:00am

Bikerumor Founder, Tyler (left) and Scott Vines at first checkpoint

A rider enjoying the sweet singletrack

Thomas Turner smiling big in 2nd place for the 100-miler

Trish Stevenson fresh off the course, winning the 100-miler for the women

EVERYONE had a great time.

Check back soon, we’ll be posting our video interview with Jeremiah Bishop (and showing off his bike) and our video coverage of the Bike29 awards just as soon as we get it edited.


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