Longtime cyclist and coach (and current IT guy) Tom Schwoegler has invented a heat shrink bar tape that closes off the upper end of your handlebar wrap without resorting to electrical tape, colored or otherwise.
He worked with 3M to create a polyolefin based material that’s thick enough to hold everything in place but remain pliable and comfortable. The other benefit of the material is that it only shrinks radially and not lengthwise. There’s no adhesive on the back, so he puts one small piece of tape to hold everything in place, then heats from the bottom to shrink it down enough to finalize the position. Once you get it right here you want it, put the heat gun on the top and it’ll shrink down to a very tight, clean looking finish.
Schwoegler says you can use a hair dryer but it won’t shrink down quite as tight.
Tite Ends is patent pending and will likely retail for about $7.95 per pack. Red, white and black for now, other colors may come available based on demand.