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Oprah Winfrey to Interview Lance Armstrong on January 17

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PRESS RELEASE: Oprah Winfrey will speak exclusively with Lance Armstrong in his first no-holds-barred interview. Armstrong will address the alleged doping scandal, years of accusations of cheating, and charges of lying about the use of performance-enhancing drugs throughout his storied cycling career.

The special 90-minute Thursday night episode of Oprah’s Next Chapter will air Thursday, January 17 (9:00 – 10:30 p.m. ET/PT) on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. In addition-the interview will be simultaneously streamed LIVE worldwide on Oprah.com.

In the interview, Winfrey speaks with Armstrong at his home in Austin, Texas in the only interview since the seven-time Tour de France winner was stripped of his titles and dropped from millions of dollars in endorsement deals after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency released an extensive report accusing the renown cyclist of doping throughout his career. Armstrong was given a lifetime ban on competing professionally. Late last year, Armstrong resigned as chairman of the foundation he created, Livestrong, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars in the fight against cancer.

Full PR at this link.

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12 years ago

Can you post up a copy of the interview between Lance and Oprah? or maybe a summarized transcript?
thanks. I hope it will be worth listening too; )

12 years ago

Oprah? Really? No offense to Oprah but I don’t need another guy jumping on the couch to know he’s guilty. Regardless of why he did it, he should be punished for lying about it. Keep the ban please.

Cedrick G
Cedrick G
12 years ago

I see April fools is coming early this year. Wtf?

12 years ago

Really? 300+ views and not one snarky comment?

12 years ago

I gotcha Brandon. Oprah is hott

12 years ago

I admire him but I don’t have much respect left for him. I’d be happy to see him come clean. But he’s got some work to do. He let a lot of people down. More with his lack of honesty than his doping.

12 years ago

What are the chances of him actually coming clean in this interview? Or is THIS the fightback Tyler Hamilton is so afraid of?

12 years ago

I’ve just finished reading David Walsh’s new book, “Seven deadly sins”and in it he meantions Lance Armstrong being friendly to those journalists who toss him easy softball questions and don’t press him on the hard stuff. I wonder how this interview will go.

12 years ago

He’s a competitor and if he ever hopes to move on with his life sooner or later he has to come clean. I can’t think of a better place for him to do it than on Oprah to really suck some forgiveness from the masses.

12 years ago

as an old cyclist, i listened to my heroes (lemond, Hinault, Fignon) when they said his feats were impossible. For some reason America assumed if hes American, his results come from Americans inate ability to be better than all else. Lets erase “that 7 time tour winner”. he is a black eye. and Indurain too. Eddy Merckx, Greg LeMond, Bernard Hinault, Laurent Fignon……true champions

12 years ago

“I wonder how this interview will go.” – ajbosch


12 years ago

PDXFixed – You’re todays Hero!

Laughed my ass off!

12 years ago

PDX dhbomber called it! too true!
“Yes i dopped but i all the money was for people with cancer and I am not the delta bravo everyone says I am” … my moms says so!

12 years ago

Will Dr. Oz be there too ?

bin judgin
bin judgin
12 years ago

HAHA oprah? be more irrelevant you f**kin loser. goodbye, lance!

Loyd flanders
Loyd flanders
12 years ago

More money for Lance…… More money for Oprah…. Good see that these wealthy pukes get further ahead while. I doubt we will be further from the truth.

12 years ago

I don’t know what I dislike more: A) the fact that Lance definitely doped, and has been huge a-hole about the whole thing, or B) the fact that he/his PR people still seem to have cards up their sleeve to save face with the greater public.

12 years ago

Yes he took drugs and yes its cheating but for someone to come back for cancer and still win something like that on drugs or not is an achievement for anyone! They was all doing it and unless these drugs made him fly and gave him an engine then I can’t imagine that achieving this didn’t come without training and a certain amount of pain!
I think that people should look at the bigger picture everyone was at it not just him! Let’s just hope this makes it a cleaner sport and no more cover up!

12 years ago

Maybe he can flick one of those yellow wristbands in his eye and induce that oprah moment….wait for it…

12 years ago

Here come the ‘fake tears’, ‘hugs’, and ‘don’t hate me, I fought cancer’ weepy eyes……sigh………wishing he is allowed back in and injects his own, tainted blood, ‘Rico style’ and just goes away.

12 years ago

I could accept Lance’s apology (if he ever gives on) if it was just for doping. But the lives he destroyed and tinkered with for decades through his bully tactics is hard to look past, ever.

12 years ago

USADA should say come clean and we’ll reduce the life ban. Then once he’s come clean reduce it to 8 years. 🙂 Then he can race when he is 50. 🙂

12 years ago

Agree 100% with Matt. I’ve just finished reading “Seven deadly sins” and his behaviour towards those who didn’t tow the line is shocking.

12 years ago

@erik –

“Eddy Merckx, Greg LeMond, Bernard Hinault, Laurent Fignon……true champions”

Yes, because NONE of them ever doped… except…

– Merckx got popped in 1969 and 1973
– Fignon got popped in 1989
– According to LeMond, you have to be a doper to beat a doper, so logically, his victories over Fignon in 1989 are a result of doping! (Though it may have been against his knowledge: 3 injections of “iron” during the 1989 Giro and he’s suddenly able to ride with the leaders?)

There are no saints in cycling. There have NEVER been saints in cycling.

12 years ago

He should dime out the crooked UCI, IOC, and USADA people by name. That would be worth watching.

12 years ago

@Brian…I think you mean USA Cycling not USADA…

and if he was to come clean Weisel, Eddie B, the Hog, and many others should be nervous… Alas, I suspect, we are about to hear a very hollow & empty (not quite an) admission… Since this Oprah interview is already in the can, I suspect we will witness a highly crafted PR exercise.

@Chris C… correct… but Oxygen Vector doping is another world from the Amphedamines

12 years ago

Oprah? I thought she retired.

Tom Simpson
Tom Simpson
12 years ago

PDXFixed – 01/08/13 – 10:17pm – Thanks for that buddy 🙂 diet coke just shot out of my nose. Maybe they will leave a syringe and livestrong bracelet under everyones seat.

I'm on a boat
I'm on a boat
12 years ago

have at it.

she’ll be handing out yellow jersey’s?
Maybe they had to shoot this interview outside, because there wasn’t a studio big enough to hold their personalities.
Curious – who paid who for the interview – they both need the press and are dying a media death.

12 years ago

Yea! First time EVER I will be able to sit with the wifey and watch Oprah.

Steve M
Steve M
12 years ago

It’s going to appear on OWN? Brilliant move by LA. Three people will see it.

12 years ago

level playing field; best man won

Hurtin Albertan
Hurtin Albertan
12 years ago

Remember Marion Jones on Oprah? I hope this is just as pathetic.

12 years ago

Get you Lance/ Oprah Bingo Cards here: http://drunkcyclist.com/2013/01/09/bingostrong/

12 years ago

Please…Do not try to touch Indurain. No one ever has had a so big heart (as a energy maker machine). Doctors proved.

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