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CyFi Wireless Bike Speaker

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Cyfi’s got a new wireless speaker that works with any iPod or A2DP bluetooth audio player or phone.  The iPod model comes with an adapter and uses Kleer technology for supposedly lossless, CD quality audio while using about 1/10th the power of bluetooth.  Oddly, the claimed battery life for the Kleer/iPod version and the Bluetooth version are about the same (6 hours vs. 5.5 hours).  So, here’s what you do.  Pull up to your riding buddy and have this conversation:

YOU: So, have you heard?

FRIEND: Heard what?

YOU: Wait, wait wait.  You mean, you haven’t heard?

FRIEND: What??

YOU: That the bird, bird, bird.  The bird is the word.

Then press play.


More pics and info when you read “more”…

The speaker unit has integrated volume and track selection buttons built into it.  The silver part in the middle (as well as the iPod adapter) also comes in red or black.  The Bluetooth version looks exactly the same sans iPod adapter. They have a 30 foot range and retail for $199 for iPod/Kleer version and $179 for Bluetooth version.  Available October 13 on their website.

Now, the few times I’ve ridden with music, it’s with one headphone in my right ear with really low volume so I can still hear traffic very well.  With this one, I suppose you’d still be able to hear everything, but for riding in traffic, I’m not so sure about the safety.  

Second odd thing about this: Their website shows a picture of an airplane and indicates its use as a travel speaker.  First, I don’t think you’re allowed to use bluetooth or other transmitting devices on a plane.  Second, what are the chances your aisle mate wants to hear about the bird?

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16 years ago

I thought “Grease” was the word…

16 years ago

The plane and saying it is a travel speaker means bring it with you and use it in your hotel or for what ever you are doing when you travel.
Looks like this is exactly why cyfi is out there, so you can hear traffic better than with an earbud in your ear.
Looks cool.

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