Cateye’s new INOU GPS Camera tracks your location throughout your ride and records still images and video the whole way, either automatically at preset 1, 2, 5 or 10 minute intervals or manually (or both). Data is recorded on SD cards (up to 32GB, a 1GB card comes with it an will record about an hour of video). After the ride, you can edit and upload the data to and it’ll overlay your ride onto Google Maps and show markers where each of the photos and video were taken.
But wait, there’s more! Check it out after the break…
Once uploaded, the online map will retrace your route, showing a marker moving along your path while displaying your speed, distance, ride time and elevation. See below for screen shot, sorry about the orientation:
You can also click on any of the markers to see the photos or video taken from that spot:
Once you’ve taken a look at it, you can share your ride with all of your social friends via Facebook and Twitter…and that’s really the point if the device: create a social-network-sharable adventure log. The camera is only 640×480 VGA quality, which is why it can record a full hour of video on the included 1GB card.
The INOU will be available in May for $250 USD. It uses two AAA batteries, so you can easily pick up new ones on your longer journeys.