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Spy Shots! SRAM Hydraulic Brakes Images Slip Out

2012 SRAM Red Hydraulic rim brake spec sheet spy shot
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2012 SRAM Red Hydraulic Rim Brake teaser photo

Given that SRAM already officially acknowledged forthcoming hydraulic brakes when they unveiled the new 2012 Red group, we thought we might see some leaked images. We just didn’t think we’d see them quite this early!

Did you miss them? Yep, we had some nice glossies up. They’re probably floating around a forum somewhere now, but at SRAM’s request, they’ve been pulled. Call us lackeys or whatever, but occasionally we have to make concessions to avoid biting the hands that feed us all the goodies we post here. Sometimes the leaks are forgiven, other times they need to be plugged. Rest assured, we don’t take these decisions lightly and try to balance the relationships with getting the news out first.

UPDATE: Apparently they’re willing to let some fuzzed out images slide.

In the images were both the hydraulic rim and disc brakes. The rim brake appearance is much closer to traditional road calipers than Magura’s new RT8TT center pull design. The key visual difference is the flip flop of the push/pull parts to the opposite side of a cable-actuated brake. Looks like a large quick release lever will make wheel changes easy, and a simple push piston to actuate the brake arms. Overall, it’s a pretty slick looking package.

The disc brakes are full hydro, fuzzy image after the break. We didn’t see any mention of a mechanical counterpart, but wouldn’t rule it out as a future Force level option. Hoods are slightly taller than the new mechs, but with the same new ErgoGrip surface texture. As they’ve told us already, 160mm and 140mm rotors will be on tap. If everything stays on track, look for a full launch in a couple months and availability in summer.

2012 SRAM Red Hydraulic Road Disc Brake teaser photo

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13 years ago

Anyone work some photoshop magic and do a mashup of the two different levers? I’m curious how huge the master cylinder tumor actually is…
(speaking as someone who may be more interested in the 2nd generation of this)

13 years ago

…… and so it begins…….

and I am stoked

13 years ago

The question remains: Do we really need this? I love innovation, but struggling to be “stoked” about this…..

Mehdi Sharifi
Mehdi Sharifi
13 years ago

Very Good, Happy,,,,,,,,:-)

13 years ago

I’m giddy. I want for cross this year.

13 years ago

This is EXACTLY what road bikes need. Forget those silly disc brakes the foolish mountain bikers use. …The same old system only hydraulically controlled and twice as expensive (guessing on this one)??? SIGN ME UP!

13 years ago

Matt, I believe you missed half of the article. You have the option of either hydraulic rim brakes or those low-profile disc calipers in the second photograph. While this first generation will undoubtedly be too expensive for me, I’m excited for an affordable set in the future.

WV Cycling
WV Cycling
13 years ago

Can’t wait ’til the weightweenies start running 160 front, 140 rear rotors and using these calipers on their XC mtbs!

13 years ago

I sure hope they refine the look. The huge horn on the top is a little ridiculous. Seems like the their taperbore technology, it would be more streamlined

13 years ago

With the rim-calipers I don’t see them needing a master cylinder. Almost no heat get transferred beyond the insulating pads. This would mean another lever set up for this system like magura. Love to see one of the “Big-3” group makers finally going this way. I would be surprised if 90% of 2013 model road bikes over 3K don’t all come with caliper mounts. Now the questions are; 130 or 135mm rear spacing?, through axles to combat axle pop? smaller than 140mm rotors? and of course how to implement full internal hydraulic routing on a mass production scale.

13 years ago

So will that shifter lever/master cyclinder setup be used on both rim & disc brakes?

13 years ago

Yay, Another over priced avid product that will be really noisy. Has anyone thought about having to route this stuff internally and then having to bleed the system. I am going to assume that it uses DOT fluid, so there has to be some sort of provision made to bleed these without moving the levers. If not you are going to have to move everything maybe rewrap bars every time you bleed them, and with DOT you really need to do this annually.

Also people keep talking about smaller rotors, but 140 is really as small as you can go due to heat disipation and tendency of smaller rotors to lock up.

13 years ago

I totally designed that lever back in 2011… for fun. Can anyone else see the similarity? Check it out here…http://issuu.com/tylermacdonald/docs/portfolio/26

The Dude
The Dude
13 years ago

Wow, I bet these are all pre-production CAD drawings and won’t look like this in the end.

13 years ago

am i the only one who can see some ‘more money than brains’ rich guy buying these to use with the Lightweights and Stork frame only to have a moment of panic on a group ride where they grab way too much brake and end up crushing the rim along with half the group as they crash?

13 years ago

Fisher you got it !
Those guys have the money to get it and the belly to need it .

13 years ago

In order to catch on in the road racing scene, disc brakes will need UCI approval, which I can’t see happening too soon.

13 years ago

Not anymore they don’t!

13 years ago

Still up on road.cc for now… but I didn’t tell you.

13 years ago

These images aren’t even remotely difficult to find, what are they hoping to accomplish by yanking them now?

Le Piou
Le Piou
13 years ago

Seriously? You removed the pictures????
You REALLY are lackeys!
What’s funny, actually, is that you don’t understand that THEY need YOU more that YOU need them…
Whatever the field your work on, the industry needs the press more than the press needs the industry…

Basic marketing/ad/business fact…

13 years ago

I thought this was….BIKERUMOR? Why would you care what sram says? Its already all over the internet. Whats the point of your website if you dont leak photos ect. Plain stupid.

13 years ago

@Le Piou: you might question whether the whole thing is a marketing tactic by Sram in the first place. “Accidently” leak a photo or two, then have it pulled an hour or two later…Wouldn’t be the first time a company has done that.

13 years ago

At least these professional photographs of finished product weren’t simply “leaked” to and left on the SRAM Facebook page :p Regardless, I’m sure the SRAM marketing people are happy with themselves.

13 years ago

Spy shots…nicely mocked up on spec sheets. Sounds like a bit of a marketing tactic. I tend to agree about pulling the photos :-/
Maybe we need a bicycle equivalent of wiki-leaks brave enough to keep the photos live ???

13 years ago

I’m sure the third generation of these will work great a few years down the road. Naysaying aside; it’s good to see a focus on a rim contact hydro instead of the complete bicycle design overhaul that will come in tow with road discs.

13 years ago

Hello drop-bar mtb… for rich guys.

Torben Finn Laursen
13 years ago

A comment on not accepting embargoes. It took us 3 years to get back on the Shimano presslist. Like or dislike it if you want to be in the buisness you have to accept them.

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