Little Shredder Bikes sells completes and stand alone frames for that special little grom who’s been pining to go pinning, just like the grown ups. The frames are custom built by Ventana in in the United States and squish is provided by a 20″ specific recumbent fork designed by White Brothers.
Owner and inventor Brian, seen here holding his sons Prodigy complete, wanted to build a bike for his talented grom that had gears and brakes, and wouldn’t be outgrown in a blink. His solution was to use replaceable dropouts to run either 16″ or 20″ wheels. The adaptable frames should fit growing kids from ages 3-9.
The Prodigy frame has 3″ of travel front and rear and can be built up fairly light. The luckiest gromster ever, Brian’s son Gavin, has a custom purple and green fully that weighs just 22 lbs. If money is no option, and little Jimmy or Jane needs the best money can buy (for that serious competitive edge), then a similarly high end build, featuring bits from collaborator Loaded Components, will cost at least $3,000.
If you already have a bunch of spare components laying around from your last round of upgrades, then you can purchase a frame and build up a bike more cost effectively. For example, Gavin’s fancy rig is running his Dads hand me down XO drive train. Of course, if you don’t have any spare components laying around, this may be the perfect excuse to upgrade come Christmas time. For components looking for a frame to call home – The hard tail runs $650, while a frame and fork will set you back $1200. The full suspension frame with Fox Racing shock runs $1600.

While everyone else is focused on the niche between 26″ wheels and 29″ wheels here at Sea Otter, Little Shredder bikes has actually managed to fill a real void in today’s markets.
Btw, while these bikes are really sweet, they are not intended for adult use. Please do not purchase a frame with the intent of entering the competitive pixie bike racing league if you are an adult of “healthy” weight.