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Found: Orange Seal “World’s Lightest Weight” Tubeless Tire Sealant

orange seal cycling lightweight tubeless tire sealant for bicycles mountain bikes road and cyclocross
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orange seal cycling lightweight tubeless tire sealant for bicycles mountain bikes road and cyclocrossWhen it comes to gram shaving, I spend far too much time and energy sweating the small stuff. But when it comes to pouring sealant into my tires, the concerns are limited to whatever we’re reviewing at the moment (or what’s within reach). At this moment, the stars have aligned. We just got a couple bottles of Orange Seal Cycling’s tubeless sealant, which claims to be the “world’s lightest sealant.”

It’s formulated with Nanites -various shaped solid particles- and a proprietary latex to quickly clot and close punctures up to 1/4″.

We’ll be testing that lightweight claim on a scale for the review, but here’s how they explain it:

“We use nano technologies that have specific gravities that float at different levels in the suspension – at the bottom, middle and top,” says John Vargas, OSC’s CFO. If you look at competing sealants, all of the solids settle at the bottom. That’s how we can cover punctures and cuts anywhere in the tire, including the sidewall. We engineered it this way, and it just so happens that these tend to be a little lighter, too.”

Vargas says everything in their formula is naturally found and non-toxic, and some of the ingredients are biodegradable. They’ve also added an ingredient that pulls the ammonia out of the latex and binds with it to make it inert. This neutralizes it so it won’t corrode tires or wheels. It also works well inside tubes.

Video after the break shows it sealing a double nail hole pretty darn quickly…

Stay tuned for a full test. a 8oz bottle retails for $14.99 and they’re getting ready to release a four ounce bottle aimed at road cyclists, plus a road-specific kit with a removable valve core tube, tool and sealant for those that can’t or won’t go tubeless.

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12 years ago

“We use nano technologies that have specific gravities that float at different levels in the suspension – at the bottom, middle and top,” says John Vargas, OSC’s CFO. If you look at competing sealants, all of the solids settle at the bottom. That’s how we can cover punctures and cuts anywhere in the tire, including the sidewall.”

There might be fancy words in that like “nano technologies” and “specific gravities”, but, what a load of BS. Different weight particles that ‘suspend at different levels’ makes ZERO difference when using the stuff as far as sealing holes, it will not seal sidewall punctures when riding, because it wont be on the sidewall. When you’re riding, the centrifugal force of the spinning tire spreads the sealant out on the outer most portion of the tire – just behind the tread. So, when riding, it’s just like every other sealant except caffelatex (which foams up, but in my experience doesn’t seal any hole regardless of how small it is) in that it will seal punctures in the tread, but sidewall holes you’ll need to stop and let it pool at the bottom of the tire and then lay it over so the puddle covers the hole (just he like does in the video).

Looking forward to seeing the weight difference between other brands though.

12 years ago

emm good luck with that.. look at the price?

OS gives you 8oz for 15.00
Stans gives you 16oz for 16.00

OS ask you to put 4oz in your tires.
Stans ask yo put 2oz in your tires. I know most us 29 use 1.5 cups which is still just 3oz

So you are asking me to pay 1.00 short of a bottle of stans. Then I only get half of the bottle of the same price stans, then I have to use double the amount.

Lightest??? Someone needs to weigh 4oz (which is their recommended use) vs. 2oz of stans (which is their recommended.)

Man i am going to make my own sealant of antifreeze, slime, and latex model builder and call it “dope”. i am going to sell it for 18.00 for 6oz. I am going to require you to use 6oz per tire.. gonna make millions!!!

12 years ago

It sounds like someone took some basic science classes and decided to misuse words they never understood. Oh well, UT Austin is an art school and at least the labels look good. This stuff will not work on permeable casing tires. Crap crap crap.

12 years ago

Big words or not the proof is in the pudding. Here is my blog post from a recent race where Orange Seal came through. I had a 3/4″ slice ON MY SIDE WALL and it sealed, although i did lose air initially it sealed and i finished the race. To top that off i still went and rode another hour on the same tire the next day. And it is still sealed. As i write this that very same tire is in my garage still on the same rim from the same race untouched and still holds air.

( http://mudbandit.blogspot.com/2012_04_01_archive.html )

12 years ago

Stans sealent is the best…the rest are just followers

12 years ago

It ain’t the lightest…but it work a heck of a lot better than Stan’s. Dude in the parking lot of a mtb. venue had Stan’s in his tire and ran over some glass and we watched as the Stan’s spewed like crap over everything. Some other guy had some OS and they put it into the glass punctured tire, remounted it and hand pumped it up……sealed. Nuff said. Check out the gnarly cuts on the OS FB page……lots of sidewall punctures through the sidewalls sealed. Stans is old news.

Rick W
12 years ago

I was riding with Grayson when he flatted; and I witnessed the stuff seal that sidewall cut pretty quickly. The picture on his blog is not an exaggeration or funny camera angle; the slice was really that big.

I’ve been using the stuff for about 6 months now, and will never go back to the other ‘main’ brand. While it does cost a bit more, it takes much longer to dry out, which means you’re using less sealant in the long run. I’m not sure if that equals out the price, but I’ll gladly pay $3-4 extra every other month to put a better sealant in my tires.

Whatever your opinion of the words they use in their marketing, the proof is indeed in the pudding, and OS is legit.

12 years ago

Stan’s would not have sealed that sidewall cut. Stan’s won’t seal pin hole sidewall cuts.

wheel balancing machine

Standard practice when you flat a tubeless on the trail is to remove the valve stem, insert a tube, and repair the tire later.

11 years ago

I,m with Greyson, this stuff does works.
I have NEVER had stans work for me, I work at a bike shop that uses only stans, but we did get some Orange Seal in, and I used it in the new WTB Nineline tire (535 grams that I knew was to good to be true, and had a feeling I would tear it). Well guess what happened, yep, 1/2 inch cut on the tread on my last lap in a race. I really though i was going to ride the rim across the finish line , BUT IT SEALED!!!!! The tire did lose air , but the next day it held all the air that I did not lose. My point is I don,t care if something cost more than another product if it works, I’ll pay ten times more not to deal with a flat on the trail even better a race (and I can change a tire FAST).

9 years ago

It’s hilarious to read all the comments that doubt or think Orange seal can’t plug up a slice in the sidewall. This stuff is amazing and yes it coats the ENTIRE inside wall of the tire. Yes, it does work.

1/4inch tire puncture? Mine was a little big longer and it stopped it from leaking out air. Is this stuff lighter? Yes but not by much. Is it safe for the environment, so they claim.

If you compare this with other cheaper sealants and complain about the price…well you get what you pay for.

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