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Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp DH mountain bike at Windham UCI World Cup

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Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

Despite casing a road gap jump, the legendary Missy Giove is back, notching up the 3rd fastest speed trap as the only American female racer in this weekend’s UCI World Cup DH event at Windham, NY.

We caught her bike in the SRAM tech support pits prior to the race for a quick photo run down. Surprisingly (or not, depending on your point of view), she was there with an almost entirely stock YT Industries Tues Comp carbon DH bike. Only a few select parts were swapped out from the German brand’s recently introduced 27.5″ DH bike spec’d build, which happened to be the lowest priced model in their carbon range…

Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

The Tues Comp retails for just €3,499 complete, sans the HT Components flat pedals shown here.

Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

That includes the Rockshox Boxxer and Vivid R2C coil spring shock shown here…

Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

…and the Race Face Atlas stem and riser bar.

Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

The only two parts that didn’t match showroom spec were the X01 DH rear derailleur (upgraded from an X9) and the Maxxis Minion DHX II tires (upgraded from High Roller II).

Missy Giove races YT Industries Tues Comp carbon dh mountain bike at Windham NY UCI world cup mountain bike race 2015

Giove ended up in 16th place, 45.3 seconds off first after a rough run, but considering her lengthy absence from top level competition (her last pro race was in 2003) and that she told VitalMTB “I am so stoked. For the past decade I have only been able to ride twice a year… on a rental bike no less. But I am so psyched every time I get to ride,” we’d say that’s not too shabby. Welcome back, Missy.

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9 years ago

Welcome back indeed.

9 years ago

Welcome back Missle!

9 years ago

What on earth does it mean to “case a road gap jump?” I mean, if anyone could pull off such a thing, Giove could. But what is it? ‘Cause it looks like word salad to me.

9 years ago

to case a gap means you fell short and hit anything other than the tranny. sample below.

9 years ago

@JasonK I haven’t see photos of it, but I think her front wheel made it past the edge of the road onto the landing, but her back wheel didn’t. BB meets the knuckle and/or the back wheel gets bucked into the air after bouncing off the flat.

It’s good to see Missy riding again, and doing so well after such a long time away. Makes you wonder what she could do with some practice and training…

ascar larkinyar
ascar larkinyar
9 years ago

YEA MISSY!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

That’s a great way to promote a bike. I’m all for one off stuff,but it always leaves you wondering what you(consumer)is missing out on by not having the latest tech. It’s shows that it is really that capable of a bike that anyone can buy

9 years ago

I’m all for seeing Missy on the straight and narrow and racing again, but isn’t she like one concussion away from killing herself? Seem like a big risk, but maybe not.

9 years ago

Missy’s run starts at the 16:16 mark and you’ll see her get too sketchy coming into the road gap and end up coming up short. Oh and she’s racing in jeans http://www.redbull.tv/videos/event-stream-521/downhill-finals

9 years ago

She did it for her girl who has cancer. Missy rocks!
Casing is when you hit backside and your crankcase slams into the jump.

Ol' Shel'
Ol' Shel'
9 years ago

I was talking with a small shop owner (the shop was small, the over regular sized) and he said that Missy would regularly receive packages sent to his store.

I don’t know if he knew the history, but I thought that was awesome.

9 years ago

How exciting! Missy is such an inspiring rider, athlete and person. So happy to hear she competed in this event.

9 years ago

Missy Giove (Checks the calendar, did I just hit a time warp). It’s a long time since I saw that name…

And as for the bike, if it’s good enough for her….:-)

captain derp
captain derp
9 years ago

finally got to meet her at the race, she is just as rad and chill as everyone says.

another very good interview with her over at pinkbike….


9 years ago

Agreed Dominicadl.Talk about a great way to sell your mid-priced bike models.

9 years ago

Did anyone see her run at Windham? It was terrifying. Thought she’d kill herself at any moment.

Rocky Gardeno
Rocky Gardeno
9 years ago

yeah Snoop Missile

9 years ago

“DHR II” tires, not “DHX II”

Jim Mac
Jim Mac
9 years ago

Great example of a ‘win win’ situation for both Missy & YT!

9 years ago

“A while back”…I lived in Durango, Colorado. On my ride home from work every day I had to pass this motorcycle shop that always kept a moveable loading ramp in their parking lot to help customers get their bikes in the back of their truck. It provided to be a great kicker and the hill that fell off the parking lot was a good tranny if you had the speed (and the ramp was in a good spot, it was “moveable”) not to land to flat in the parking lot, as I did many a time.
On one of those perfect days I was carrying just enough speed, had just enough pop, the ramp was in a good postion and I just sky’d that shiz. When I landed I heard all this screaming and hollering. Thinking it was the shop owner calling the cops I got on the gas as I turned around to see Missy jumping up and down throwing the stoked fist and going nuts. I sprinted all the way to my house with the biggest grin on my face.
She was always a rider who was just as stoked on others accomplishments as she was on her own. Great to see her back. Now if she and Monk could hook back up….maybe with Yeti? Oh that’d be great to see.

9 years ago

Wow, I guess I believed the rumors that she was facing a prison sentence due to the 400# of weed and decided to skip town. Glad to hear things worked out for the better. #legend

Rider X
Rider X
9 years ago

Missy cased the gap jump because she lost her footing (right side) in the lead up to the jump, still attempted the bump, survived coming up short and hit the next jump.

Still. A. Legend.

9 years ago

This is awesome to see and sad at the same time. Way to go Missy for getting the blood flowing again on a bike, feeling the stoke and keeping us viewers entertained. But really?? is this all that America can offer for WC downhilling? After all these years, Missy returns and proves she still has the balls to take on the f’ing World? Again, fing SAD. Where are the 25 year olds with strong bodies and minds ready to shred the trees against the best? The mall? Med school? I don’t wanna hear the $ argument, there are dozens/hundreds of un sponsored young men racing at the back of the pack, showing up at WC downhill events trying to qualify, or even at the Whistler enduro, did anyone see the # of racer there??!!. If there is a will there is a WAY, but our chicks are somewhere else, anyone know where? Road? XC?

9 years ago


Charlie Best
Charlie Best
9 years ago

This news brightened my day, that woman is one of the greatest mountain bikers ever.

9 years ago

Holy crap that is awesome! She is one of the greats, so much talent and personality. Clearly she is a natural. I hoep we see lots more from her!

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