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Defunkit Wants You to Get Funky, Without Smelling Funky

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Defunkit permanent odor control, cyclists
“My chamois smells like the ocean breeze!”

Despite the surprising amount of science behind modern textiles, few of us are likely to come home after a good ride smelling of roses. Even specifically made athletic clothing picks up some stink after hard use, and the worst part is, when you smell like limburger cheese no one wants to hear about how epic your ride was!

If you dislike doing laundry (or if your riding kit can repel vampires after a day in the saddle) your friends and/or significant other might want you to check out Defunkit. Defunkit Permanent Odor Control is a fabric treatment designed to eliminate odors and prevent them from coming back for a good long time. The treatment is safe, doesn’t take a genius to apply, and is already available in several Oregon bike shops. Follow your nose past the break for the details…

Defunkit is a two-step fabric treatment that takes a little time and elbow grease to apply, but it aint rocket science. The basic process is to add the pre-wash packet to a bucket of hot water, hand-knead the garments for a few minutes, add the primer packet and knead some more, then rinse the items thoroughly and toss them in the dryer (or hang dry). Check out the above video for the full instructions.

Once treated you can either wash your odor-resistant clothing less frequently, or put it through the machine regularly and the treatment should remain effective for about 20 washes. Defunkit contains natural enzymes, oxygenators and odor blockers, so it’s safe for all kinds of natural or synthetic fabrics.

The texture of the treated fabric isn’t affected, and while colors are safe the company’s only warning is that bright whites may dull slightly. Defunkit does not remove stains any more than a typical detergent, its only purpose is to keep your garb from stinking.

Defunkit permanent odor control, package shot

One package is enough to de-stink and treat about four jerseys, or your full head-to-toe riding kit. The company confidently states they haven’t met a customer yet that could out funk their product. Defunkit is available in several cycling and sports stores across Oregon and online via Amazon.com. It sells for $10.95 USD per package with free shipping in the USA.


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9 years ago

I have a buddy who can out funk this stuff — no question.

9 years ago

This stuff is seriously legit. Not that you’d want to ride in the same jersey three days in a row without washing, but you could and not gross out all your buddies. Takes all the nasty out of old base layers, makes it so your gloves don’t smell and can be re-used, and is especially awesome for camping/bikepacking. I’ve worn a treated shirt for a week with no accumulated stink (except on me – easily fixed with a washcloth and suds). I also treated a bunch of bibs and it reduced saddle sore occurrences.

9 years ago

…or you can wear Merino. No funk for 5 rides straight (don’t as how we know() with the bonus of zero chemicals.

what the f^$#?
what the f^$#?
9 years ago

Wool is the way. This looks like a scary chemical concoction. I’m out.

9 years ago

Merino works, but who has a wardrobe full of merino for all seasons (props if you do)? It’s nice to have stink free tech wear that isn’t wool. And from what I understand from my shop, it’s just a silver wash that gets in the fibers and nixes the nasty. Less chemicals than your detergent. Obviously I’m a fan… mostly because I salvaged a load of old gear that was buried in the closet because of the stank. Your needs & experience may vary.

9 years ago

Wool is full of chemicals too. It contains nothing but chemicals, actually. As does your body, everything you eat, and the air you breathe. Everything is chemistry, folks.

Interesting stuff, but won’t the silver kill beneficial skin bacteria too? I’d check for long term reviews and proper tests before trying it.

9 years ago

Never heard anybody ever say, “My chamois smells like the x_x_x_x_!”

Mike D
Mike D
9 years ago

I’m a lover of all things wool, but my wool still builds up stink too (not nearly as bad as my synthetics). I’ve used this stuff on one load of my poly/synthetic garments, so far so good! Seriously works well. A very *faint* odor if the jersey is still damp with sweat, but as soon as it’s dry, good as new. I’ve been impressed.
I wonder if the ultimate combo would be treating some wool stuff with it?

9 years ago

Chemicals! I gave up washing my kit in oxidane because it’s a chemical.

9 years ago

Is it strong enough to get the funk out of Patagucci Capilene underwear? Nothing smells worse than that stuff.

8 years ago

20 box, it’s more the price I pay for 6 month detergent. If they really cared about ecology they would do it for a dollar and sell tons of it to make it profitable (and that will be still more expensive than detergent). Without counting the good bacteria issue: we are a bag of bacteria, most of them are beneficial, so is it really safe for the body flora?

Brian Miller
8 years ago

I just finished a seven day bike ride with a stop in Eugene, OR three days into it. My merino jersey, gloves, shorts, socks, and my buddy’s synthetic clothing all got deFunked. After four more days of riding, we were happy we couldn’t smell each others’ BO. Thanks again Richard for the laundry service.

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