There are more and more GPS and digital video devices coming to market for cyclists every year. So each new product has to differentiate itself from the rest by delivering better performance or lower pricing, or even both. Upstart Chinese consumer electronics company MiniWing has a solution by combing the digital recording and GPS into the Camile, a single device with a simple design and easy-to-use interface. They are bringing the Camile to Indiegogo to get over that first product manufacturing hump and bring the new tech to market quickly. Take a closer look after the break…

Camile’s makers see cycling as becoming more widely used not just for sport, but for transportation as well. They think the Camile can serve both those wishing to log their activities and record their rides, as well as to serve as a day-today safety/security measure by documenting your rides in case of an accident.
The Camile includes both still photo and video capture capabilities, with a 140º wide angle lens to record in 1080pHD at 30fps or 720p at 60fps. It also includes image stabilization and a easy to use “auto-editing” feature. The new sports camera allows users to capture video and movement data, and then either download, view, or stream their footage instantly from any mobile device.
It has two modes, either standard video recording or a burst shooting mode that can be set between 3-60 second intervals. After video has been recorded, an included app can manage and transfer the data over wifi or via a USB cable. In addition to its GPS chip, the Camile includes 6-axis motion, plus altimeter sensors to quickly and accurately track the rider’s movement. Once on, the LED screen can display current speed, local time, or ride distance. Three indicator lights also show battery life, video recording, and active wifi/Bluetooth 4.0 pairing to a smartphone.
Camile comes in 5 colors with a simple handlebar mount for use on the bike, and includes a 1350mAh lithium battery, which delivers 3hr of video recording or up to 16hr of GPS use. It stores data on a micro SD card, and the included 32G card will store 8hr of video. The Indiegogo campaign starts now, with a flex funding goal set for $20,000 (which pretty much means they will get whatever is pledged, and they’ve already set production in motion.) Delivery is planned for Spring 2016 (expected end of March shipping), and the Camile will be available for purchase shortly thereafter for an anticipated retail price of $200. If you get in on the crowdsourcing campaign now, you could get one for as low as $90 (if you act fast.)