We took a dynamic approach in covering this year’s show compared to past coverage. Rather than send out a standard questionnaire to builders, I chose several builders for long form phone interviews to break up the rhythm of the posts. Both types of interviews would center around an origin story theme because, well, I was personally curious. While some build their stories into their branding, others are more guarded about them. For new builders, they are still living their origin stories. Some just don’t want to muck around in the past because they are too excited about current and future projects.
At any rate, it was a total pleasure to speak to all of these builders and I’m grateful that they took time out of their insane schedules leading up to the show to tell us their story.
What I started to understand a few weeks into the coverage is that there were several themes evolving that I did not expect to hear. My own perceptions of the industry, one that I had felt pretty intimate with, were challenged. After the process of writing and editing these interviews, I  respect and appreciate the frame builder community more deeply than I previously had thought possible.
I hope you enjoy these; it’s a fascinating corner of the industry full of interesting people and fantastic stories. Bookmark this summary and save it for later. You’ll learn something.

Long Form Phone (or in person) Interviews:
Erik Noren of Peacock Groove/Cake Bikes
Don Walker of Don Walker Cycles
Schnozola Co-Conspirator Paul Sadoff
Jason Quade of Abbey Bike Tools
John Caletti of Caletti Cycles
Steve Bilenky of Bilenky Cycle Works
Carl and Loretta Strong of Strong Frames
Tim O’Donnell of Shamrock Cycles
Steve Potts of Steve Potts Bicycles

Questionnaire Interviews:
Dawn Thomas with Pineapple Trikes
Matt Appleman of Appleman Bicycles
Darrel Williams of Thrive Cycles
Dwan Shepard of Co-Motion Cycles
Collin Schaafsma of Matter Cycles
Chris ‘Soultrain’ Sulfrian of REEB Cycles
Patrick Gauci of Patrick Cycleworks
Renzo Formigli of Formigli Bicycles
Claudio Bellon of Bellon Handmade Bicycles
Brad Hodges with W. H. Bradford Custom Bikes
Dmitry Nechaev of Triton Bikes Russia
*** Pre-show coverage will continue to the day of the show. I will add pieces here as they post on the website.