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Get your fun on with a unique line of fat rides from Coast Cycles, including one you’ve been waiting for… 26+?

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Coast Cycles Coast Cycles Park 2

We saw these fat little gems at Interbike last fall, and they got out attention to say the least. They kind of give you the giggles without even riding one, as there really is nothing out there like them… and they’re built to take it (both giggles and serious riding). For the true 26-inch devotee, your plus sized prayers have been answered.

They’re available now, so go check out the complete line, a fun video below, and think of ways to justify just one more bike…

Coast Cycles Coast Cycles Goliath-FS-3-of-5

Coast Cycles Coast Cycles goliath-24 Coast Cycles goliath-24-n-20-1-of-3

 “Shut up and take my money” comes to mind when you look at these odd (at first glance) looking rides from Coast Cycles. Not one model is anything like the next, and staring at a few, it might be hard to pick just one (x=n+1 is raging right now). The Goliath line-up comes in fat sizes of 20, 24 & 26 inch, as well as a 26″ full-suspension version. Depending on what you want to do with it, what kind of riding it will see is what really determines the size as they aren’t truly (or could they be?) youth bikes.

coast bikes ruckus fat bike plus fun bikes (2)
photos c. of Coast Bikes

Next up is the Ruckus… which reminds me of the Honda Ruckus… which reminds me of one of my first minibikes. Built solely for goofing around, they designed it to (sorta) accommodate a passenger.

coast bikes commuter (2)

coast bikes commuter (3) coast bikes commuter (4)

For the business folks, the Quinn puts a little fun in your commute to work with a place to put your briefcase IN your bike, and a front basket for picking up a sixer on the way home.

Coast Cycles Coast Cycles axis-fs-1-of-9-Edit-01

OK, somebody finally went and did it. The Axis FS makes an attempt to put a little steam back into the 26 inch wheel size with a 26+ (but Plus, not quite fat). Given they equipped it with a 27.5 Pike, it probably is about the same overall diameter as a standard 27.5″ wheel/tire combo.

Check out the video and what else they have going on below with all the specs and pricing. And with all models now available on their web store, it seems like the time is now for n+1.

Coast Cycles Specs 1 Coast Cycles Specs 2

Coast Cycles Specs 3 Coast Cycles Specs 4


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9 years ago

As far as + size goes, 26+ makes the most sense. Diameter will be a bit taller than 27.5 while being lighter than 27.5+ and more agile. That said, we already know there’s a point of diminishing returns with tire width save for niche applications. Hopefully 26+ will evolve to encompass 2.5! I’m all about 26×2.5. They can call them plus if they want. I’m cool with that.

9 years ago

Technically, Surly did 26+ first with the Instigator 2.0, which I have been loving for the past 6 months or so. It’s a great bike. I’m not aware that anyone else did it before them. Still, it’s awesome to see a production full-sus 26+. As someone who’s only 5’2″, this is the wheel/tire size I most want to ride!

8 years ago
Reply to  npcatherine

26 plus is brilliant.
Been riding a 24×4″ Framed wolftrax on the local trails in Michigan & it’s awesome, light, perfect traction, but front suspension would help with bigger drops & flat jump landings–would like to try plus tires with 26″ rims on the bike to trade a little width for weight of shock.
The Axis looks ideal, but can’t find the Axis in their store 🙁
Would very much like to see the geometry of the different sizes, as well as the tires actually spec’d on the bike.

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