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Specialized fires up color-changing, heat-sensitive paint for Olympians (and you)

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Specialized torch heat sensitive color changing bicycle paint

Specialized sponsored athletes heading to Rio will be carrying a different type of torch with specially painted Tarmac, Amira and Epic FSR bikes that change color in the heat. While they may stay full yellow down in Rio, the effect is quite spectacular, and it’s found on the Evade helmet, too.

The three bikes and lid are part of a larger collection of clothing and gear available in limited quantities. Check out the video to see it change…

Athletes from around the world will get the new bikes, with the U.S. represented by Lea Davison (MTB) and Gwen Jorgensen (triathlon).


The Torch paint transitions from a deep red to bright yellow as the temperature rises above 71ºF (22ºC). It’ll be offered on the Tarmac S-Works…


…Amira S-Works…

Specialized torch heat sensitive color changing bicycle paint on Epic FSR S-Works

…and Epic FSR S-Works frames.


Complete bikes will also be offered in “Momo Orange”, as they’re calling it. Expect a $250 premium over non torched framesets.

Specialized Torch momo orange Evade aero road helmet with color changing paint

They’re offering torch-themed shoes, gloves, jerseys and bib shorts to match, but only the Evade S-Works helmet gets the color changing paint.


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8 years ago

I can finally get a bike to match my Hypercolors shirt

8 years ago

Can this color change technology be applied to apparel? Specifically, bib shorts? I’ve got some ideas.

8 years ago

i would rather have photo sensitive paint that turns white at night.

8 years ago
Reply to  Javan

I was one of those kids. It was awkward.

8 years ago

No way will this ever get into the pro peloton… too easy to see the hidden motors – you won’t even need a camera!

8 years ago

Specialized has taken the throne from Klein and Colnago for the all time awesome paint jobs.

8 years ago

For Papi: Hypercolor shirts were popular back in 1990-1992. Leaving your hand on the material for only a few seconds made it change color pretty dramatically. Just had to leave the shirt in the freezer for it to recharge. Was really a neat product until they went too far and turned them into shorts. Pubescent males wearing heat-sensitive shorts really weren’t a good idea.

8 years ago

It would have been cool if this frame detected Zika.

8 years ago

Well, now if the UCI will only make this kind of paint mandatory, there won’t be any more need for other mechanical doping tests. 😉

Kieselguhr Kid
Kieselguhr Kid
8 years ago

This is going to get really embarrassing for them when the colour-changing paint highlights the motors they have in their seat-tubes! 😉

8 years ago

I hope the heat from my motor doesn’t cause it to change colors.

Nicholas Blades
Nicholas Blades
8 years ago

What a great way to highlight motor doping.

8 years ago

Cool, Hypercolor (was it cool at the time? I can’t remember.), or maybe Hotwheels, for bikes (if you have kid’s you’ll know the colour changing Hotwheels cars). Ha, everything old is new again.

Little known fact… Hypercolor was a product originally developed for the military for use in desert warfare, where it went light in the heat of the day and dark at night.

rich hargus
rich hargus
8 years ago

mike sinyard- “what am i supposed to do with all these hypercolor t shirts?”

Dave Mohr
Dave Mohr
8 years ago

Paint My Bike in Australia have been offering this for some time already. Nothing new here

8 years ago

$250 extra for the paint? If there was no extra charge above the normal (expensive) Specialized prices I’d actually be tempted to sell my bikes and drink the Specialized Kool Aid…

8 years ago
Reply to  Bazz

Their bikes aren’t any more expensive than the other top brands. Trek’s higher and carbon is similar to S Works stuffs

8 years ago
Reply to  Veganpotter

“The phrase oftentimes carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion.”

8 years ago
Reply to  Bazz

What do you mean by “Kool Aid”? I never understood this term. I think it’s just thrown out there whenever someone buys something that someone else doesn’t approve of, for whatever reason. It’s code for, “My purchase was better than yours,” you know, the type of stuff bandied about on an elementary school playground.

As Veganpotter implies, do some research before vomiting unsubstantiated gobbledygook.

8 years ago
Reply to  Flatbiller

+1 and it’s a Jonestown reference. Yeah, still too soon.

8 years ago
Reply to  Flatbiller

Don’t you know…if it’s not some obscure indyfab steel bike, you’re a sheeple for mega corporations hell bent on destroying the world!

8 years ago
Reply to  Flatbiller

I thought the ‘Kool-Aid’ reference was to the ‘Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test’


8 years ago

It’s definitely cool. I just know that around here I’d just have a yellow bike. Would never see the orange outside.

8 years ago

I’m envious! Where I am it would almost always be orange 😛

8 years ago

Move on, people…. Nothing to hate here. (Except for the S on the front of it)

Jim E.
Jim E.
8 years ago

This paint was incredibly cool during Saturday’s men’s road race. They were red in the shade and elevation of the climbs and bright yellow down in the city. The women’s race must have had much cooler weather as they were red the whole race. Never saw the helmets change much though, too far away from the pavement, maybe? Anyone know how much this stuff costs per gallon or which company makes it?

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