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Trek Farley fat bikes from 2014/15 recalled for free fork replacement

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2014 Trek Farley Fat Bike close up detail photos

Today’s the day for recalls. Just after posting the official Fox Float X2 recall notice, we received this one from Trek, offering registered owners a $100 gift card to bring their 2014 and 2015 Farley hardtail fat bike in for a free fork replacement. Apparently, the fork’s crown could potentially separate, leaving the base of the fork without its steerer. To date, no one has been injured, but reports of creaking and weird noises prompted a full recall. Kudos to Trek for being proactive and giving everyone an incentive to get into your local bike shop. Full recall PR and links below…

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Trek issues voluntary nationwide recall of select 2014 and 2015 Farley models

Owners of MY14 Farley and MY15 Farley 6 urged to bring their bikes to authorized retailer for new parts, $100 coupon. 2016 and 2017 Farleys not affected.

(Waterloo, WI) – In a coordinated effort with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Trek is issuing a voluntary recall of the 2014 Farley and 2015 Farley 6, as well as the framesets of both models. 2016 and 2017 models are not included. This recall is prompted by a pattern of five warranty requests outlining consumer comments of noise and looseness in the headset area of the affected models. An abnormality in the connection between the fork and steerer tube of these select Farley models has the potential to cause a separation at the base of the steerer tube. To date, no injuries involving the affected models have been reported. Upon discovery, the company immediately contacted the CPSC to begin the process of the recall action it is announcing today. The recall affects 4,635 bikes globally, 2,665 of which are located in the United States.

Trek is taking proactive measures to bring attention to this issue by contacting registered owners of the affected models, as well as by reaching out through its global network of authorized retailers. As part of this voluntary recall notice, Trek will provide through its authorized local retailers a free replacement fork, including installation. To incentivize owners of the affected bikes to bring their bikes in for the necessary replacement parts, Trek will be issuing a $100 coupon good towards any Trek or Bontrager product for every bike returned for service.

Authorized Trek retailers have been notified of the issue, and replacement parts are currently available to shops across the globe. Owners of the affected models can expect fast service and replacement parts. Trek urges all riders to have their bikes inspected annually and always maintained by a certified mechanic.

Hit this link (PDF) for info and images to see if your bike is affected.

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8 years ago

The true failure is that these bikes were built with straight steerer tube instead of the frame spec’d tapered steerer tubes.

8 years ago

While the 100 bucks that Trek offers for your troubles is indeed admirable. The way its written here is pretty laughable.

Come in for a free fork replacement! yay! Dont forget this is a fork RECALL….a recall is not something to get excited about.

8 years ago
Reply to  gringo

except when it works in your favor and you get a free upgrade plus $100 for gear

8 years ago
Reply to  boom

free gear yes, Upgrade….not so much. you are getting a replacement of a faulty part, something they are legally obliged to do-

8 years ago
Reply to  gringo

Yeah nah I’d be pretty happy that the product is getting recalled, unlike to many brands that have sold rubbish products over the years.

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