Welcome to our first Build Cycle interview. What’s that? It’s my new endeavor, focusing on the startup stories of entrepreneurs in the cycling industry to glean lessons any entrepreneur can use. For my first interview, Handup Gloves founder Cody Wallis and I retreated into the Bikerumor mobile office to get out of the snow and sub-20ºF weather at CX Nats and talked about how he started, his early growth and some thoughts on overcoming analysis paralysis and just going for it.
Being my first one, there’s some technical finer points I’m already working on (reducing background noise, using a real mic, etc.) for future interviews, but I think you’ll enjoy it. Hit play, open up another tab with Bikerumor to scroll other stories while you listen, and let me know what you think in the comments. For a little more post-game analysis and other entrepreneurial tips and tactics, follow my new blog at TheBuildCycle.com.