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Lezyne GPS units gain new features, better performance with firmware update

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Lezyne GPS units are already pretty great. They’re small, relatively inexpensive, and feature packed – with more features one update away. While primarily targeted to their newer Year 10 GPS family, the Year 9 GPS units see some improvements as well. That means no matter what model you have, you’ll probably want to update your device as soon as possible.

Year 10

When it comes to the Year 10 devices, one of the biggest additions in terms of features is full integration with TrainingPeaks and Today’s Plan training apps. Along those lines the devices will now display training specific data fields, custom workouts, and include an indoor training mode, all of which should improve your ability to use the device to follow prescribed workouts.

Even if you’re not into using your GPS for training purposes, the update still has some big advantages. Devices with a barometer will see improved elevation accuracy, and GPS watches gain the ability to turn “Quick GPS” on or off for better battery life or faster signal acquisition.

On the phone side, the new GPS Ally phone app v3.06/v.3.11 (Android/iPhone) also gains Training Peaks and Today’s Plan integration along with offline route syncing, heart rate, and power zone support. We’ve been using the new firmware for a few weeks now in beta testing and can confirm that one of the biggest improvements has been to the bluetooth pairing of the device to your phone. Not only is the connection much faster than previous, but it seems to work better without some of the occasional glitches we’ve seen in the past.

Lezyne GPS units gain new features, better performance with firmware update

Year 9

If you’re still rocking the Year 9 Mini, Power, or Super GPS, there are improvements for you as well. Not all devices get the same updates though, with each model’s improvements outlined below.


  • New device screen customizability

Power & Super:

  • Added speed data from wheel based power meters using Bluetooth
  • Stabilized speed and distance data jumps when paired with Bluetooth speed and/or cadence sensors
  • Improved battery runtime percentage reporting


  • Improved Ant+ sensor connection
  • Fixed Ant+ pairing to only pair with the same sensor after restarting the GPS
  • Improved Shimano D-Fly Di2 auto reconnect
  • Ant+ power meter battery reporting now percentage based
  • Refined power calculations with crank and wheel based Ant+ power meters

Head over to Lezyne.com to download the new firmware, apps, and check out the video above for a step by step tutorial.


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Ben J.
Ben J.
7 years ago

I’ve been very happy with my Super GPS. It has all the features of a Garmin and the money I saved paid for a few race registrations. The fact that Lezyne keeps improving it for free is just that much better!

7 years ago

I love Lezyne’s take on these, but without the ability to navigate a course without a phone connection I just can’t commit to them. I wonder if it’s a memory or processor limitation.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Hi Kevin,

It is actually possible to navigate a course without a phone connection. Once the route is loaded to your GPS device, you do not need to have a BLTE connection to the phone.

7 years ago

Nice little device, but Support Sucks!… I’ve been trying to get a response from them for weeks on my super GPS not starting up. Time to pull out the old Garmin for the rides… My Super GPS will just sit on my desk collecting dust. So sad:(

Ben J.
Ben J.
7 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Really? I’ve sent them a few emails over the past few months and they always get back to me within a day or two.

7 years ago
Reply to  Richard


They have a new support site with pretty good info too. My update went wonky cause I used a random cord, apparently there are different types of micro usb….

7 years ago

Good to Know… Thanks for the info:)

7 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Hi Richard,

I apologize that you’ve had a bad experience. Our customer service team has located your original email and was able to respond within 24 hours. It’s possible that our response has been caught in your spam filter. If you’re still having, please feel free to reach out at support.lezyne.com

7 years ago
Reply to  Lezyne

Thanks for the info and the response:)

w chong
w chong
7 years ago

i would like the option to be able to Disable the Alert messages.

7 years ago
Reply to  w chong

Hi W Chong,

All the alerts have the option to be disabled via the menu in the GPS device or the Ally V2 smartphone app! If you need any assistance, please visit support.lezyne.com

7 years ago

Lezyne please fix your password reset option on your WEB page… Never got my email from ya all… and yes I checked my junk mail. LOL

7 years ago
Reply to  Forevertorn

Thanks for the great support and looking forward ride with my SuperGPS:)

7 years ago

How indoor mode can be activated?

7 years ago


Here is our write-up on our direct customer service channel: https://support.lezyne.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000115693-How-to-set-up-Stationary-Trainer-Mode

7 years ago

+1 for Lezyne

Jason Marshall
Jason Marshall
7 years ago

hello Lezyne,

will the year 9 super gps eventually be compatible with training peaks?

do you make an out-front mount that accomodates the super gps above and the deca-drive 1100 lumen light below?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jason Marshall

Hi Jason,

Those questions would be best answered by our customer service team. Can you please forward your questions to our direct service channel: support.lezyne.com?

7 years ago

I am happy user since 2016 – will you add Trainerroad support also?

6 years ago

Really happy with my super gps. New additions make it even better. One problem I have: if I save the powerzones, the next day, the page in the app is blank again. And on the data field of the device it just shows 0. any ideas? Thanks

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