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2020 Taipei Cycle bike industry trade show cancelled over coronavirus concerns

2020 Taipei Cycle cancelled Taipei Cycle+ rescheduled
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Taipei Cycle, a key business to business trade show mostly between bike producers and component manufacturers, which had been scheduled for the first week of March in Taiwan has been officially cancelled among growing concerns and complications stemming from the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. Organized by Taiwan’s trade council, a condensed version of the show, dubbed Taipei Cycle+, is expected to be combined with another international sporting good show TaiSPO in the middle of May. Coronavirus impacts beyond the cancelling and ad hoc rescheduling of this one shoe, could be expected to make their way throughout the cycling industry over the coming months…

2020 Taipei Cycle tradeshow cancelled over coronavirus concerns

2020 Taipei Cycle cancelled Taipei Cycle+ rescheduled

As big cycling industry tradeshows in the US & Europe have seen restructuring to deal with changes to retail models & product development schedules, Taipei Cycle has remained as a strong behind the scenes show in Taiwan where much of our bikes and components are actually produces. With frame & component producers sharing their capabilities at the show, both in Taiwan and mainland China, this is a show where big business deals are still being made. We at Bikerumor try to attend Taipei Cycle whenever we can, as it gives us an early first look at what’s coming up in the development pipelines of many companies, as well as a good chance to speak with a wide range of industry insiders.

2020 Taipei Cycle cancelled Taipei Cycle+ rescheduled

The cancelling of the show is rather last minute, less than four weeks ahead of when we expected to land in Taipei. But there have been rumblings in the industry for about a week. Travel restrictions had already prevented all Chinese exhibitors (a large part of bike & component manufacturing) and Chinese visitors from attending the show, important meetings & announcements had already been cancelled (Giant was set for a grand opening of a new global HQ building in Taichung), many international visitors had expressed fear over the spread of the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV. It just was starting to not make commercial sense for either buyers or exhibitors to attend.

The implications down the pipeline are already being anticipated as well, as a result of coronavirus. Industry news site BRAIN is reporting that bike producers in Vietnam & Cambodia are also feeling the impacts, warning some of the biggest bike brands in the world about potential delivery delays, due to international worker safety concerns. As the health risks continue to grow globally, we anticipate this could continue to spread through the global cycling industry for some time.

Full statement on Taipei Cycle below:

TAITRA to Hold TAIPEI CYCLE+ & TaiSPO+ Exhibitions in May 2020

The TAIPEI CYCLE show and TaiSPO, hosted by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, was originally scheduled to be held from March 4th to 7th. These 2 globally significant shows together, would normally attract over 5000 booths representing industry exhibitors from around the globe. Due to the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), there have been significant developments in the number of travel and logistical restrictions; bringing into question the practicality this year’s planned dates.

The resulting restrictions have left many exhibitors unable to travel to, or ship exhibition stands and sample goods to show as travel and freight restrictions start to be put in place. This has led the organisers to make the difficult decision to re-schedule the March 2020 edition of the event.

In these uncertain times, TAITRA stands together with Taiwanese industry and government to stabilize global confidence in Taiwan as the benchmark for sourcing quality and innovation. TAITRA will continue to organise several economic and trade development activities.

Subject to the further development of the outbreak; in 2020, upon the request of those who still need this platform to explore business opportunities, TAITRA will hold the TAIPEI CYCLE+ & TaiSPO+ exhibitions, which will be held at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2 from May 14th to 16th.

These special edition versions of these globally important shows will be held to support both the cycling and sporting goods industries. We expect to have companies with bicycles, components, electric bicycles and motor systems, fitness equipment, sportswear, smart sports, sporting services, ball sports, watersports, outdoor supplies and more.

The 3-day exhibition will also launch the first ever online exhibition concept, one-to-one procurement meetings, video conferences, and live-stream broadcasting. Services are provided to SMEs who need TAITRA’s assistance to find International customers.

TAITRA will coordinate its 63 international branch offices to invite buyers to visit Taiwan and send out a firm message to ensure confidence in the safety and quality to be expected when trading with Taiwanese companies.

For the latest details, please visit www.taipeicycle.com.tw and www.taispo.com.tw.

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5 years ago

not cancelled, postponed til may

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