This video by the Danish Road Safety Council is quite brilliant, and a fun reminder that we should all be wearing our helmets when we ride. Even if we’re a careful rider…or a Viking.
Have you guys watched that youtube video about the Danish parliament where they start talking about camels and elephants to be saved from a banned circus and at some point the prime minister burst into massive laughs ? These folks must all be living a happy life. After all you never hear talking about Denmark,wich is a good thing I guess..
From my time in Copenhagen it took days before I saw anyone on a bike wearing a helmet. In fact there is less helmet wearing there than anywhere I’ve been in Europe. Most likely because their cycling infrastructure makes complete sense and Danish motorists are some of the tamest I’ve ever encountered. The commercial is funny, but highly unlikely to change any minds.
Gah! I hate to be that guy. As hilarious as the clip is, I would suggest every cyclist to have a look at this excellent clip :
I wear a helmet all the time, but I think it shouldn’t be mandatory, and these kind of clips fuel the fire in that direction.