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AASQ #15: Chamois cream dos and don’ts – what’s best for your skin, how much to use, etc.

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We know, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. But there are definitely some questions too embarrassing to ask your local shop or riding buddies. Ask A Stupid Question is our weekly series where we get to the bottom of your questions – serious or otherwise. Hit the link at the bottom of the post to submit your own question!

As a beginning cyclist, there are a lot of realizations that you come to along your path – many of which are related to rider comfort. When it comes to questions that might be the ones you’re too embarrassed to ask, these are the doozies. Yes, cycling shorts really help. No, you are not supposed to wear underwear underneath. And while coating your nether regions in cream may seem completely taboo, for many riders it is a huge source of relief. Not just during the ride, but post ride as your skin heals from long hours on the saddle.

AASQ #15: Chamois cream dos and don'ts - what's best for your skin, how much to use, etc.

It should come as no surprise then that a few readers have asked specific questions about chamois cream and what works best. Specifically, which is better for your skin – water or oil based products? Fortunately, we have a local company that specializes in chamois cream and it’s good enough that it’s caught the attention of big names like Katie Compton.

So I took the opportunity to reach out to Jon Wolery of The Ritual to ask him for his take on whether oil or water based creams are best for your skin, why and how often you should use it, and how much you should be using per ride. You can find his answer below.

AASQ #15: Chamois cream dos and don'ts - what's best for your skin, how much to use, etc.

Jon Wolery:

Oh boy, these are all super loaded questions.

I am 100% aware that every single one of my answers is just like any stance on a political issue. We can focus on the science behind skin and skincare, but ultimately chamois cream is incredibly personal simply because you need to find a skincare ritual that works for you.

There are two main schools of thought on this topic: The more widely held opinion of water based, and the more niche (where The Ritual lives) being oil-based.

Since we do not use any water in our chamois cream, I will speak to that first. The Ritual’s genesis was on an operating room table whilst I was having an infected saddle sore cut out. Oddly enough, (and in perfect form with the theme of this article) I had a conversation with the surgeon and found out that I was not his first cyclist to show up on his table. We began talking about why saddle sores happen and what can be done to prevent them, and the main takeaway I got from that experience was that the best defense is a good offense. Meaning that if you protect and nourish EVERY layer of your skin, it will handle itself. A good way to look at it is the Hulk vs. a knight wearing a suit of armor.

All that being said, mother nature has taken care of us for this long, so she must be doing a pretty good job. Just like with any technology, it is easy to get too in depth, but the way that our product ended up being developed was by trying to address strengthening every layer of the skin to provide as much cellular support as possible. My original intent wasn’t to develop an all-natural chamois cream, it just so happened that the science took me in that direction. We have combined quick absorbing oils, slow absorbing oils, nut butters that hydrate and provide essential fatty acids to nourish skin (and make it slippery), on top of a protective foundation of beeswax which seals in moisture, keeps out bad bacteria and keeps dryness (chafing) to a minimum. Those layers work in tandem with your skin’s natural makeup to provide a top to bottom level of protection.

Water based chamois creams are usually a lot less expensive to make, thusly they can be cheaper ounce for ounce, but the biggest drawback that I’ve personally found is that with water-based creams, they require stabilizers, petroleum-based oils, and other chemicals that I am not nearly smart enough to pronounce to make them shelf stable, and have that silky-smooth feel that cyclists who “KNOW chamois cream” expect to feel.

The major (and harder to pinpoint) drawback with water-based chamois creams is that even though they contain primarily water, they actually dry out the skin. The water within the mixture ends up evaporating prior to getting absorbed into the multiple layers of skin down there and in doing so, will pull all of those good oils out of the skin with it. If you have ever done a muddy cross race or a super wet spring road ride and felt like your skin was sandpaper after, you know what that feels like.

The last bit worth touching on is the idea that as cyclists, whether Cat5 noob, or elite level pro, we all focus a lot of time, money, and energy on component selection, proper hydration, eating the right meals with the right mix of carbs, fats, proteins, etc. So it would only seem natural that we would take that same sort of tactical approach to skincare. I am not sure if this is just a byproduct of market availability or chamois cream is simply viewed as ritualistic (sponsor plug) to a cyclist, but the majority of chamois creams can end up doing more harm than good if used incorrectly.

Why should you use chamois cream? Lots of answers to this:

  • Because you saw X pro use it and you want to feel more pro.
  • Because you have a sensitive bottom and your skin gets irritated incredibly quickly on rides.
  • Because you have had saddle sores in the past and want them to go away.
  • Or you just want one more bike thing to obsess about.

Do I need to use it on every ride? Another very subjective question.
I have customers who use it on every ride no matter how long or short, others that only use it on rides north of 2 hours, and yet others still that only use it after their ride, after they have showered. Whatever floats your boat.

The biggest item to consider with ANYTHING chamois related is that cleanliness is key. There is no chemical compound out there that is going to be able to combat the veritable bacterial soup that we develop in a 5 hour ride in 95 degree weather… BUT, making sure that your chamois and skin are clean before putting your shorts on, and getting out of your shorts ASAP after finishing a ride are great steps towards a safe and happy grundle.

How much should I be using on every ride?
This is another avenue where water and oil based products will differ. Water based will require a little more just because it doesn’t soak in as well so it doesn’t spread out as nicely. I usually advise with The Ritual products to start with about as much product as you use when brushing your teeth, and then go from there. That flies in the face of a lot of historical context where guys will SLATHER chamois cream into every nook and cranny of their saddles, which made sense when they were conditioning a leather chamois, but somehow that same mentality continued when we transitioned away from those into modern chamois.


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Lincoln Lu
Lincoln Lu
7 years ago

Always looking for a good thick chamois cream. What’s the consistency and scent like for The Ritual creams?

7 years ago

I put it on my chamois like I’m putting frosting on a toaster strudel.

7 years ago
Reply to  onrhodes

So it’s personal? Do you draw with it? I write my name.

7 years ago

How do the differences between water based and oil based chamois creams affect the life of the chamois foam and how easy the cream cleans from the chamois?

Jon Wolery
7 years ago
Reply to  Robin

I do not believe there is any hard or fast answer on that in terms of water/oil beyond they will both break down the materials over time just like your sweat does. The bigger differentiation between the two is that a water-based chamois cream will not absorb into your skin as well as an oil-based cream will, so in theory… if you put the right amount of natural cream directly onto your skin and rub it in, you will not end up with any residue on that chamois.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon Wolery

Thanks for the reply, Jon.

7 years ago
Reply to  Robin

Asking the real questions! I was expecting this to be addressed in the post.

7 years ago
Reply to  Robin

I feel like this is the most important aspect for me. From the little trying of different brands I’ve done they all worked great (in that there was no saddle sore or other pain)

7 years ago
Reply to  Eli

Yes and what soap will remove the smell of the cream.

7 years ago
Reply to  myke2241

Dr. Bronner’s is best.

7 years ago

If we do most of our rides from driving to the ride start and so keep the cream in the car are there better types for avoiding separation in the heat problems?

Related to that with how that area applied to is full of bacteria is seems like the tub design has much greater chances of getting contaminated then the tube style cream. (especially if hot in a car or a tent when doing week long tours) Is that a real issue to worry about or is most creams antibacterial enough that any contaminate should die off before the next ride? (the cream being highly concentrated could keep stuff from growing)

Jon Wolery
7 years ago
Reply to  Eli

A good rule of thumb (or fingers)… is that every tub of chamois cream has ONE user. No sharing. Your bodies bacteria are unique to you and it is accustomed to holding onto them.

Now, that being said… With an all natural product, there is a large problem of heat turning your cream into liquid. Our product melts around 96 degrees so if left in a hot car during the day and a quick opening, it can lead to a huge mess. But, from a positive, because there is no water in the mixture, the shelf life is incredibly long as there is nothing for bacteria to feed on and thrive in. (Unless you put it on with dirty fingers, etc etc etc… Always keep it clean 🙂 )

If the product does melt, thats no problem as the ingredients have already bound together and it will not hurt the healthiness, nourishment, or slipperiness of the product.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon Wolery

I understand the one user part. But having your bacteria grow and multiply off your body doesn’t mean they are the same next time you apply.

Are you saying the product if it melts will not separate into different components and so when it re-solidifies will be the same?

Speaking of shelf life oil does oxidize so can go rancid. As I’m not planning to eat the chamois cream I’m not sure I care but could that impact self life?

Von Kruiser
Von Kruiser
7 years ago

Zink based Head hunter rash guard is my favorite and lasts longest. Desitin is a cheaper version.

7 years ago

I started using pure shea butter a year ago after running out if my favorite chamois creme. Its the best thing I’ve ever used and I’ve tried almost everthing on the market.

Jon Wolery
7 years ago
Reply to  Veganpotter

Our base is shea butter for that exact reason, with the other ingredients added to beef up the sustainability and anti-bacterial properties. You are definitely onto something

7 years ago

Bag Balm

7 years ago
Reply to  PeteM


David R.
David R.
7 years ago

Nothing! Well, I use a slip layer, with 6 or 9 inch UA brand tight nylon underwear between me and my bibs. No problems! And I don’t have to wash my bibs every ride — a real advantage on long tours, where it is a lot easier to bring clean underwear than big bulky bibs or shorts. And washing bibs less frequently means they last longer.

Tom in MN
Tom in MN
7 years ago

Amazing, a guy who works at a company that makes oil based creams likes them better than water based ones. Could of at least also asked a company representative that makes a water based one if you could not find someone who is unbiased.

Jon Wolery
7 years ago
Reply to  Tom in MN

Hey Tom,
You should hit up our website and submit a comment to me. I would love to send you a tub to try 🙂 Also, The Ritual isn’t as much of a company as you would think. I am just one guy making uber-small batches of handmade chamois cream with the best ingredients I can because I love bikes and saw a way to make it better. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon Wolery

In some ways I agree with Tom, You could be the most knowledgeable expect and be completely right but can’t be looked at as unbiased. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your views

7 years ago

I gotta use it, in decades of wearing chamois of all types in all weather I gotta use it or end up with a pain in the a$$. Used to use Assos but that it pricey so now it’s Buttonhole. Good price, as like Onrhodes I put a layer on, especially for long rides in hot weather. We use Tide Free and Clear on all our laundry, shorts are washed inside out. It not quite as healthy as Seventh Generation but it but it does a good job.

Eggs Benedict a.k.a Darth Baller
Eggs Benedict a.k.a Darth Baller
7 years ago

I never used any type of cream, and never had any issues. That lasted all the way up to my late 30s. Then it took several years of trying different offerings, none of which worked that well. Until I tried DZ Nuts. That is the best stuff I’ve tried so far, and it actually works (for me).

7 years ago

Go to the 99-cent store and buy the 20-ounce generic water-based stuff. Apply liberally for every ride. Been doing this for 20 years. Cheap. Easy. Effective.

7 years ago

As a daily rider and one who also puts more hours in the saddle daily than most, I use seat saver from hammer nutrition. You want your cream to do two things. Lubricate and keep things clean. When I say clean, I mean so bacteria does not develop. To me it’s the bacteria that starts the saddle sores. I can ride 10 to 16 hours everyday, back to back, but keeping the sit bone area clean and healthy is the most important part to keeping you riding. Well, that and hydration/nutrition.

7 years ago

Ive been using Bag Balm for 20+ years and it rarely lets me down. If my whammy can’t handle this oil-based cream, that whammy is not worthy of being on my bottom.

I would, however, be interested in hearing more about off-the-bike skin conditioning.

7 years ago

*shammy #autocorrect

First Time Writer
First Time Writer
7 years ago

For the last 35 years I’ve been using regular noxema. Just a bit between your leg and um, parts, Just me, this works. It is essentially soap, so it is clean but it provides a bit of lube too.

Works great, costs less, keeps you safe and clean.

Kernel Flickitov
Kernel Flickitov
7 years ago

Real leather chamois made from baby kangaroos conditioned with bacon grease…

7 years ago

Im probably weird but i yse underwear and shorts. No bibs etcs.
I bike for more than 19hrs straight every now and then. I only had issues with bad saddle placements and im ok with many (but not all) saddle brands/types.

Ive never understood that since almost everyone i know would refuse to ride without cream let alone some foam cushion in their pants due to discomfort.

Finally i ride a phenom expert right now but im even ok with a phenom sworks if the ride is less than 3hrs (the sworks barely has any foam and the shape is a little diff). Oh and im around 13% body fat (male) so neither super skinny or fat.

7 years ago

so… hair conditioner works great, fyi.

7 years ago

got into a contest with some riding buddies to see who could stay in their chamois the longest after a particularly nasty, lengthy ride. I didn’t even make the podium and I still had crotch-rot for days after. Will not enter another contest like that again.

7 years ago

Chamois cream is useless and unnecessary, adjust your saddle/fit if riding is that uncomfortable

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