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Anthill Films Teases Contest, Win a Full Custom Carbon Trek Session w/ Shimano Saint

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Anthill Films custom carbon fiber Trek Session DH bike with new Shimano Saint group

Back at Sea Otter, Strength In Numbers producer Ant Hill Films awarded Matt and Karl a custom carbon Trek Session DH bike complete with the all-new Shimano Saint group for winning the video face off contest.

Problem was, the Saint parts hanging on the bike were prototype, non-ridable samples, so they had to wait until now to get their trophy. Shimano just tipped us off to the photos, you be the judge, was it worth the wait? And would you like to win one? Anthill went ahead and had two matching bikes painted and built, and they’ll be giving the other one away in a new contest.

More pics past the break, and check Shimano’s Facebook page for the full gallery and Anthill’s for more info

Anthill Films custom carbon fiber Trek Session DH bike with new Shimano Saint group

Anthill Films custom carbon fiber Trek Session DH bike with new Shimano Saint group

Anthill Films custom carbon fiber Trek Session DH bike with new Shimano Saint group

Anthill Films custom carbon fiber Trek Session DH bike with new Shimano Saint group

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12 years ago

That Trek has Shimano, and (deleted), written all over it.

12 years ago

You’re just jealous Devin.

12 years ago

i would harness the gnarness on that,

shut it devin

12 years ago

Great looking bikes! Let’s just hope the brakes work!:)

12 years ago

When I see a bike like this I wonder why the manufacturer didn’t just go one small step further and put in mounts for fenders. It just seems like they are turning their backs on a potential market segment. It wouldn’t be much trouble, they wouldn’t need to change the basic bike they made at all, just have some way to add fenders. I’m not trying to single out this bike or this manufacturer, I see it from most manufacturers.

12 years ago

So, again, if I don’t own a Facebook account, I’m out of the game right? I’ve just finished a small email to Anthill complaining about this fact. I’ve bought each one of their MTB films, an as a fan and supporter, this really lets me down.

Alan Stevens
12 years ago


12 years ago

Luix!- I agree, what are those of us without a FB supposed to do?

12 years ago

evilZ is also wondering where his waterbottle cage mounts are…

12 years ago

Ah, so no readers of The Onion on here? Perhaps that one was a little too obscure.

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