Let’s face it, if we’d headlined this with “Bike Safety Clinic”, you wouldn’t be reading it.  Now you are. We win.
If you know someone that’s just getting into cycling, or if your children are just learning to ride beyond your driveway, this is for you:
Bicycling in Greensboro is hosting a skills class to teach the essentials of bicycle maintenance, traffic safety, nutrition,
energy conservation, emergency avoidance maneuvers and riding gear. This course will cover all the basics of bicycling in the classroom and then you’ll apply it in the streets. You will be a more confident and knowledgeable rider at the end of the class, guaranteed!
Date: April 25, 2009
Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Cost: $35 $10 for Students
To register, please email to Jesse Day at jday@ptcog.org or call (336) 294-4950 for a registration form and more details. Clinic will be held at the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments, 2216 W. Meadowview Road, Ste. 201, Greensboro, NC. Directions: http://www.ptcog.org/maps.html