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Big Tease! More Photos of 2012 SRAM Red Group!

New 2012 SRAM Red component group teaser photos
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New 2012 SRAM Red component group teaser photos

First, SRAM put out a teaser video that showed enough to seriously whet our appetite for more. Now, they’ve released a very dark full group photo that gives glimpses of some of the details we’d uncovered in that first post. Click on through for closeups…

New 2012 SRAM Red crankset and chainring photos

Our source had previously told us the new group would have an emphasis on both weight savings and aerodynamics. The crank arms absolutely look smoother, and we’re glad to see black is the base color rather than gray. The back of the cassette (shown in the original post) and the chainring designs have a very strong (and odd) semblance to the current XTR brake rotors. Compared to the current generation, it looks like the big ring has a chiseled relief to save a few grams but likely without affecting rigidity.

New 2012 SRAM Red front and rear derailleur photos

The derailleurs also get heavily redesigned cosmetically, and the rear seems to have several major aerodynamic considerations. First, the upper parallelogram arm looks to have a physical shield dropping down just behind the cable mounting bolt, possibly to send air over the barrel adjuster port. The stop screws are in the same place as the current model, but they’re recessed into the upper arm.

The outer chainguide plate on the front derailleur looks slightly curvier, as though it would hug the outer edge of the chainring just a bit better. The outer parallelogram arm is much shapelier, and the stop screws are no longer visible from the outside, too.

New 2012 SRAM Red shifters brakes and cassette photos

The shifter and brake levers look like they cant outward at a bit more aggressive angle. The shift lever seems to be outward just a bit more, putting it flush with the brake lever edge rather than tucked slightly behind it on the current model. Graphics also flow from one lever to the next, a cosmetic improvement.

We’ve heard the brakes have a small cantilever where the cable clamps in. This would give them either more or progressive power (or both), but we can’t see anything to that effect on these photos. Of course, we’ve also heard with absolute certainty for several months now that there will be disc brake models, too.

As usual, more as we get it. We do have an official launch date of February 1 with samples available for testing in March if everything stays on track.

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13 years ago

That looks great!

13 years ago

Visually they are AMAZING. How they will fare technically is another story – we’ll have to wait for that. I don’t really need the 11th cog or electronics but I do care a lot about disc brakes – so if they actually make it to the Red groupset, I will be very happy.

Anyway, thanks for an update.

13 years ago

Good thing they wrote their name really big all over everything, sometimes I forget what I’m riding.

13 years ago

The crank is just a rather gaudy rip off of one that a competitor of theirs has already had in production for 5 years.

13 years ago

Current SRAM fans will be all over this but I can’t see it converting many who are on the fence. Certainly not myself. 11 speed mechanical DA. Patiently waiting.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Hope the disc brakes are cable actuated…

13 years ago

the best thing SRAM does well is in the RockShox side of the they’re offices. didn’t even yawn..i went right to sleep.

13 years ago

Can’t wait for this badass group and again it shows how smart the guys at SRAM are! Weight reduced without having to make every single piece of the group Carbon Fiber or using expensive electronics. They always take the most efficient way towards weight reduction and performance. I wish all the geeks would shut up about 11 speeds and electronic shifting…they are for weekend warriers that show up in the parking lot and want everybody to look at them.

cardeas vist
cardeas vist
13 years ago

any more information on the rear derailleur, or is it all up in the air still?

the groupset looks good, and SRAM has done well for them selves lately as far as road hardware.
I really think they should look at an 11 speed option with this set though otherwise to the new consumer it will look like SRAM is behind the curve. That is not to say though that it really makes a difference how many cogs you have on the back

13 years ago

Surprised we don’t see this on the pro cross bikes yet.

13 years ago

Logos from hell! These things look so unattractive!

13 years ago

Please make the FD cage stainless or atleast thicker, the last one was awful

13 years ago

The most sucessful polishing of a terd all year!

13 years ago

I’m wondering if all of this will be compatible/interchangeable with the previous generation SRAM components?

13 years ago

The graphics are amazing, but some improvements are cross between Campy and DA? Hope it fares more technically.

13 years ago

That looks remarkably similar to a campy 10spd powertoruqe crank…. Basically this is the same old stuff with new fancy logos on it. Id be more excited about the KCNC groups or DA 11. At least shimano’s stuff will last you a whole season.

13 years ago

People are stupid (including me)….they like the more is better idea. A person that is looking at the new DA versus Red will think, 11 speed must be “faster” than 10 Speed. Was also hoping the hoods of the shifter will be more rounded and not so block shaped, but that is a personal opinion.

13 years ago

Interestingly we had our Sram rep in this morning, and were told the hydraulic and mechanical disc brakes were a definate, the reason for the hood re-shape was so mechanical and hydraulic versions would be the same. Hydraulic version probably wont be available until june 2012. The groupset will be a full pound lighter than a dura-ace mechanical groupset, which is not a saving to be sniffed from just a bunch of gears.

13 years ago

are those chanrings o-symmetric?

13 years ago

Dont’ buy into 11sp being wannabee. Heard the same comments when it went 9, then 10. I’m not a fan of upgrading a boat load of cassettes either, but a 1 tooth gap at the right time in a race can be the difference between top step and first loser.

Electronics, heavier, expensive, more risk, not for me. No justification that I can come up with. Mechnacial is lighter, works incredibly well and if you have to replace it you won’t be mortgaging the house.

However 11sp, sign me up. I’m a Sram guy so will wait for it. Sounds like the red guys won’t have to use the force frnt derailluer and cassettes anymore.

13 years ago

Imma buy this stuff cuz’ my homeboy Lance Armystrong be cruizin on prototypes!! Axe me about his skillz!!!!

13 years ago

Interesting strategy of first releasing the “shit video” and then murky pics, with no technical information to back it up. Looks attractive to me, and the brakes appear to have a higher quality finish. Personally though, I need more data and less wank.

13 years ago

Teasing is right! I WANT IT YESTERDAY! 1 full pound lighter? my bike will be 13lbs 8oz ready to ride! SICK!

13 years ago

I think they’re right on target here: people will see a tangible benefit from disk brakes and building that into a road group will attract customers from Shimano. On 10 or 11, obviously there’s diminishing returns on an added cog. I don’t think they lose too much by lagging a year or two.

13 years ago

@Peter-that is exciting about the mech disc and good info hood re-shape.

The picture is really blurry, but I see “X-something” printed on the 53. Does this mean it’s not ‘”powergilde” compatible…anyone heard anything yet on compatibility with previous Red?

13 years ago

@mattL-any stats, team experiences or quotes, customer experiences or quotes to back that up that 1 season claim? I sure haven’t see that.

13 years ago

Yawn…… Nice Large Logo placement. Yawn… I will be riding my Di2 this morning.

13 years ago

If you have not made the leap yet, you should!!!

13 years ago

i have ridden sram red for 2 1/2 years now and all i can say is it hasnt missed a beat. the gear change and braking is excellent , i was a 20 year shimano then campy then shimano guy but the current sram kit has been the best with very little adjustment needed only when i change to race zipps (wider rims). this if it is better will be excellent , it doesnt win tours for nothing ! .not sure on electronic gears i have found std manual great and we have been alright for half a century , i would be more worried about getting winter training in , that extra 11 gear or di2 isnt going to make a difference if you run out of speed , half a pound in weight on your bike might !

13 years ago

does this mean that the new Sram Red cassette won’t be annoyingly noisy any more?

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