The Outdoor Retailer Show in Salt Lake City, Ut. is not geared for cyclists but wandering among the tents, boots and jackets that dominate the show I found a few new items for riders. New commuter bags, nutrition and watches were on display from several companies. Read more to find out what you may be buying in 2011.
Osprey packs had two new commuter bags on display. Rather than going with a messenger style, these are backpacks with cycling friendly features. The Momentum is the smaller of the two packs and has a plenty of storage for a computer and other gear. The side handle is designed so that the bag can be carried in more of a briefcase style, adding a bit of formality to the piece. An integrated rain cover and their helmet securing LidLock are nice additions.
CamelBak’s new Groove bottle looks like their previous bottles, but this one has a carbon charcoal filtration system built in to eliminate chlorine and that bad tap water taste. The filter is a simple rod that fits into the straw of the bottle and is made from plant-based coconut carbon. Flow rate is not impeded, and the filter will last for approximately two months or 200 refills. Replacement filters will be available as well. The bottle will cost $25 in the standard model and $35 in the stainless steel and will be available in October. Replacement filters will be also be available as a two pack for $10 or a 6 pack for $25
Several nutrition companies had new flavors to show and some new products too.
G.U. unveiled a new Chomp flavor, watermelon, which has a light flavor that I enjoyed. They were also sampling three flavors of Roctane, CherryLime, PinaColada and Fruit Punch, one of which will be the newest flavor. A new flavor in the gel line, Orange Mandarin, was also revealed.
Clif Bar was sampling their new Clif C, which replaces the Nectar bar. 70% organic, gluten free and vegan the Clif C bar provides a full serving of fruit. These small bars are easy to chew and are easy to digest. The new flavor of their much loved Blok will be Tropical Punch, making a total of eight flavors in the line.
Honey Stinger had perhaps the newest product to show, a wafer like cookie they call the Waffle Wrapper. 95% organic, it is based on feedback from Lance Armstrong, who joined the company two months back. Two thin wafers, or waffles, sandwich a thin layer of honey, the idea is to resemble one of Lance’s favorite training food, the stroopwafel, found in northern Europe. Each pack will have two waffles in it and will provide a total of 160 calories and 21 carbohydrates. The Waffle Wrapper was crispy and slightly sweet, which would be a nice change from chewy bars or energy blocks. These will be available on October 15th, official pictures will be available shortly. Honey Stinger also has a new flavor of their organic energy chew, Orange Blossom.
On the technology side, Timex’s new G.P.S. watch is perfect for the rider that wants to track everything. The new watch, the Global Trainer, tracks every metric you could ask for including heart rate, altitude, speed and distance. It also uses ANT+ technology to read third party powermeters. Customizable and easy to read screens make it functional on the bike. This watch is currently available in R.E.I. stores and will be widely available in September. Cost will range from $250 to $300.