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Bike Blazer Featured in New Lands’ End Pop-Up Shop, Not Available In Sears…Yet

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Lands’ End never fails to push the boundaries in mail order shopping. They’ve started a new venture, the Blog-Up shop, an online Pop-Up shop lasting a week where they feature designs cultivated by fashion bloggers.

In a couple weeks, they’re featuring a bike commuter kit by Jeff Carvalho of Selectivism. Mixing basic clothing pieces like herringbone pants, a chamois workshirt, and a tie, the design centers on the jacket. The Madison Bike Blazer gets a 3M reflective taping under the collar, a hidden pocket in the rear for stowaway goods, and a side pocket for routing earbuds (if you’re living dangerously). The fabric is wool with a cotton interior. Lining the collar is a stiff corduroy that can be popped for reflective visibility.

Pricing on the jacket is $250. For the outfit? Not cheap. Good thing is, there’s a coupon over at Selectivism for 30% off. Link to the Blog-Up shop here.

Click ‘more’ for the official Madison Bike Blazer video…

Yeah, the music’s a bit sappy, but it never hurts to have another functional commuter garment on the market.

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12 years ago

$250 isn’t bad for a nice blazer in the grand scheme of things. Much less one with so many features AND you can ride to a meeting in.

Pricing on casual clothing you can bike to a real meeting in is stupid expensive and very very little of it. Really just Outlier and Rapha. Hopefully this will result in more brands coming around to this un-touched market. Brands like this can help bring the cost down a bit.

That said…pants wise Outlier wins hands down. Worth the coin 🙂

12 years ago

The dude with the fancy jacket, listening to his music on a fancy phone –

all while riding a thrift store clunker bike is unrealistically mismatched.

12 years ago

Snappy threads bro

12 years ago

when your blazer is worth more than your bike that you love riding so much you bought a bicycling specific blazer that costs more than your bike

A Dork
A Dork
12 years ago

It makes sense.
Get the clothes you really want.
Find a budget bike that matches your clothes.
Business meetings.

12 years ago

Justin look closer,I bet that clunker like bike may actually be a 100% italian made steel bike assembled by a 150 years old guy that has been welding bikes since he was 5 in his grandpa workshop facing Como’s lake. The bike weighs 25 kilos and cost as much as Toyota Prius and it’s so rare you can’t just decide to buy one,you have to be chosen by the supreme Gods of Hipsteria and see if you are worthy.
PS : the guy also owns a Toyota Prius.

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12 years ago

I have never really cared for the: [hipster/I’m too cool to wear a helmet/I don’t need to follow traffic rules/fixie ridin’/metrosexual/etc. etc.] types, but it is good to see that bicycle commuting is slowly gaining more traction. Now we just need to build the type of cycling infrastructure here (in the USA) that makes it easier for everyone to bike commute.

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12 years ago

Here is another cool bike commuting video from the Netherlands- (looks like no one wears a helmet there either, but when you don’t have to ride with cars, you probably don’t need one)

12 years ago

Where’s his helmet! To hip to be square, or responsible.

12 years ago

Am I the only one that cannot wear “street clothes” during their commute?

I ride 20 miles round trip to work and home. I end up either sweating too much (a ton of hills on my commute, gets pretty hot in the summer), getting way too wet 3/4 of the year (Portland weather) or way too dirty (bike lanes are rarely cleaned in the winter).

Mark _D
12 years ago

I really don’t believe you can have to much functional commuter wear. However, would someone please make a portable shower for cycling commuter? There are too many businesses that don’t have showers in the facilities.

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12 years ago

@ccolagio: good article. I don’t always wear my helmet either, but it is probably not a good idea to ride without one. Here is another good link:

12 years ago

People are strange:
Whats wrong with riding a cheaper / older bike to work when it would be locked to a pole all day out in the rain? Are you really gonna leave your Di2 Foil locked outside all day? In this regard I find the video somewhat realistic.
And the rest of you helmet nazis please never complain about your nanny-state again, it makes your agruments moot.


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12 years ago

Anyone who uses the term “helmet nazis” has never worked in an emergency room.

12 years ago

I agree with Sevo on this one, if more companies try to crack this segment of the market, prices should eventually come down. If someone like H+M goes for it, prices may come down even faster. This would be a great product for about 40% of our shop customers in Cambridge, MA. There’s a big number of fashion conscious professionals out here who ride 15 or fewer miles to work each day and I think this would be a good fit.

Also, I think “Lands’ End never fails to push the boundaries in mail order shopping.” is the the funniest lede I’ve read here in months.

12 years ago

Mark D makes the most valid point. Looking good while smelling like ass is not great for business..stylish or not. Certain commutes cannot survive with deodorant and baby wipes alone.

12 years ago

Way too pricy for a blazer that will be enduring dirty conditions (i.e. – mud, rain, dust, snow, sweat). Not even my Armani blazer cost that much. Though I have to admit the style looks really nice – normally, the styling of Lands Ends products always makes me cringe.

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