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Bike Friday’s new pakiT city bikes start at 14.9 lbs and fold up into a backpack

pakiT folding bike in suitcase
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pakiT folding bike, title shot

If you’re supposed to travel with a bike, it only makes sense that it should be both compact and lightweight. Bike Friday is a family-owned manufacturer from Eugene, Oregon who’s been making folding travel bikes for 24 years, and they’re recently released the pakiT. With a single-speed model that comes in at just 14.9 lbs, they say it’s the lightest folding bike ever.

The pakiT not only offers a quick-fold mode, it also further folds up into a backpack that can be purchased with the bike, or into a standard sized suitcase for airline travel. The bikes come in single, 3 or 11 speed options all driven by grease-free Gates belts, and six different frame sizes are available to accommodate a wide range of riders.

The company has already well exceeded their Kickstarter campaign funding goal, and while the early bird deals are gone there’s still time to buy in…

pakiT folding bike, fold modes

The pakiT city bike offers both ‘quick fold’ and ‘compact fold’ modes. The quick fold brings the bike down to dimensions of 38”x24”x10” in 20 seconds and with five steps. Adding just two more steps, the compact fold further condenses the bike to 28”x17”x8” to fit inside Bike Friday’s accompanying backpack. The fully folded pakiT also conveniently happens to fit into a standard suitcase for airline travel.

pakiT folding bike, suitcase and backpack

In order to shrink itself down, the pakiT’s frame folds in and tucks the rear wheel up next to the front triangle. The frame’s release/lock is a simple push-button mechanism on the seat stay. The quick-release handlebar/steer tube assembly pops off and pins itself to the frame, the seat tube slips out, and the pedals fold in. No doubt the bike’s 16” wheels contribute to its compact folded dimensions.

pakiT folding bike, release mechanism

The standard pakiT’s frame is made from a combination of chromoly and high-tensile steel, and the Elite models are 100% chromoly. As the frame doesn’t have standard mounts the creators intend to develop a special rear rack for the pakiT, but there are no plans for front racks- They say the bike is designed to be a lightweight city cruiser rather than a touring packhorse. Plans are also in the works to create fenders for the pakiT bikes.

Between the single, 3 and 11 speed options the various models of the pakiT weigh between 14.9-22 lbs. The bikes use standard industry components for easy maintenance or customization. The 3-speed models use a Sturmey Archer rear hub, the 11-speed pakiTs run Shimano Alfine internal hubs, and dual-pivot caliper brakes take care of stopping duties.

pakiT folding bike, frame size pic

The pakiT comes in six frame sizes, which should fit riders between 54”-76”. While the basic models carry a maximum rider weight of 220 lbs the Elite models have a lighter frame, and a lesser limit of 190 lbs. Frames come in six color options and carry a lifetime warranty.

Currently buyers can still choose from a few different versions of the pakiT Elite for $1900 USD, or select a bike and backpack combo. The first finished bikes are slated to ship out in January 2017. Check out the Kickstarter campaign here.

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Alex Murdock
Alex Murdock
8 years ago

Ok commenters: I dare you to be snarky after such a sweet video. American made too.

8 years ago

For the money a Brompton is a better bet and a smaller package. That backpack is huge and clanky. It’s lighter but the Brompton can roll on the ground anyway.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jagshot

Yep. I’m always happy traveling with my brommie and not packing it in anything. I just land, and ride. No extra tear down. Just five steps and I’m gate checking it like a stroller; not checking it as baggage and waiting to see how much damage it has taken from handling. Brompton for the win.

8 years ago
Reply to  Person

I guess I’m a bit confused why you couldn’t gate check this one as well.

8 years ago
Reply to  PFS

It looks light it might be possible, but the 38″ length is going to be tough to pass through TSA X-ray machines and convince them that you’ll be gate checking. Also, it looks like the handlebars just dangle inside the frame when folded, which is going to be a big red flag. So you might be able to gate check, but if it’s in the bag, then you’re going to be checking it as baggage. Not hating on it; but I’ll stick with the simplicity and durability of my Brommie.

8 years ago
Reply to  Person

Fully folded length in the backpack appears to be 28″ and not nearly as problematic as you make it out to be. That said, given all the strong points (that steer me away from Brompton) that RAD mentions below, nothing seems to beat the Brompton for the finest fold.

8 years ago

Great looking folder and the weight! Nice travel bike.

8 years ago

Sure, the Brompton is great if you don’t want a Gates belt, are okay with a maximum of 6 speeds, are not on the larger or smaller ends of the sizing scale, don’t mind having to locate a Brompton dealer to service the proprietary parts, prefer a 5 year warranty to a lifetime warranty, are not interested in a bike that weighs 5 lbs less, etc, etc.

8 years ago

@Rad: have you ever rolled a Brompton down a grocery isle? Much preferred over walking around with a clanking hobo sack attached to your back while pushing a shopping cart.

Steve Barsby
Steve Barsby
8 years ago
Reply to  Jagshot

Hmmm. Ever hear of a thin flexible cable lock that weighs about 8 oz, for short-term parking?

7 years ago
Reply to  Steve Barsby

Cable lock can be snipped in a blink of an eye.

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