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Bike League Alert – Stop Wanton Rumble Strip Use From Ruining Your Bicycle Ride

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FROM LEAGUE of AMERICAN BICYCLISTS: Act now to stop indiscriminate use of rumble strips!    Take Action!

Contact your state’s Secretary of Transportation and ask to stop causing hazards for cyclists!

In recent months states around the country have undertaken extensive rumbling activities and more are slated to occur.   In numerous instances this activity has resulted in the indiscriminant rumbling of secondary roads that have a narrow shoulder or often times no shoulder effectively posing additional potential safety hazards for both cyclists and motorists.

Cyclists and motorists share a desire for safer roadways. We welcome things like wide and smooth paved shoulders that benefit both motorists and cyclists Though all roadway users benefit from the safety and convenience of improved shoulders, many transportation agencies are increasing the use of rumble strips – raised or grooved patterns in a road’s shoulder designed to alert drivers with noise and vibrations that they are drifting off the roadway- creating undue hazard to cyclists.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) guidance has been developed to accommodate the safety needs of bicyclists, with several states adopting this or improved guidance as a matter of policy. Despite this, many states continue to indiscriminately rumble on roads without a run-off-the-road crash history; without adequate shoulder space or recovery area; and on roadways frequented by cyclists. This is even happening in states that have developed good rumbling policies.

We are asking that you contact your state transportation official immediately to urge them to halt any plans to indiscriminately rumble our shared roadways. If the state does not have a policy of bicycle-tolerable rumble strip design they should adopt one with FHWA guidance as a minimum.

Personalize your message- let your transportation officials aware of any popular riding routes that have been lost to rumbles!

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14 years ago

Stupid, rumble strips save lives. Pick your battles.

Mr. P
14 years ago

And I was thinking how rumble strips could save bikers lives with all the cars I see drifting into the bike lanes…


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