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Bike Spikes by Cesar Van Rongen Look to Add Snow Chains, Studs to Your Ride

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Growing up in Buffalo, NY I’ve heard lots of good excuses against commuting, or riding at all, in the winter months — and despite best laid plans to run, ski, or hit the gym, bikes collect dust, spare tires get bigger, it isn’t pretty.  Bike Spikes, however, show a lot of promise to head off those excuses by turning your tragically average steed into a studly snow bike.  Bike spikes are comprised of six flexible, studded plates connected by a wire that tightens them down on your existing tire, like modern snow chains which can be installed or removed in a matter of minutes by an experienced user.  While there isn’t much information out there yet, the pictures and video look pretty promising.

More photos after the break.



The wire connecting the studded plates allows you to tension Bike Spikes properly to your tire and to fold up the unit for easy storage.


Bike Spikes look cool and add visibility.



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12 years ago

Nice idea, missing a few things to finish off the whole concept. Like how to secure the grippers from rotating over the tire from turning sharply. Example at 1:17 with the front tire. Looks a hell of a lot cheaper than spending $200 for studded tires.

12 years ago

Xris – It looks like that issue is solved
While the video shows a continuous strip only wide enough for the tread, studio shots show the plated design with enough width to pass the bulge in the tire – much more secure.
I can only assume there hasn’t been enough snow since the redesign. to show off the new design in real world testing.

I agree – an excellent idea and it looks like a well considered application.

12 years ago

Cool idea.

12 years ago

Great idea. I run studs and swap wheelsets for changing conditions. For a cheaper quick on/quick off system though this is awesome.

12 years ago

Xris I think they might have figure out how to solve sliding on the tire problem. the ones they used in the video look like a very early prototype and the ones in the later pictures appear to be the final design.

12 years ago

yeah, looks like maybe they will even offer several different sizes, as the one in the vid is too thin for that probably 38c tire, and the pictured ones would be too much for 23/25c. not to mention the raw fit/finish of them in the video

12 years ago


12 years ago

When is the kickstarter launch? I am in for one set for sure!

12 years ago

Rock on winter

mark ifi
mark ifi
12 years ago

this i awful. use normal tires, put studs on shoes, run across the 7 feet of ice in your five mile commute.

12 years ago

@mark ifi Not the case for everyone. I live in a city where most streets aren’t plowed and become a sheet of 6″ thick hardpack and ice. I’d have to run 75% of my commute. It’s 10 miles and I don’t run.

12 years ago

@mark ifi Since when is putting studs on your shoes – that you then need to wear for the rest of the day (like, in the office) – easier than putting them on your bike.

I think this is a great implementation, just hope they can keep the cost reasonable.

12 years ago

This is interesting. Hope it takes off and becomes viable for the inventors.

Best part, for me, no need to change tires. Here in New England the conditions can vary wildly from 1 week to the next, and if I can leave regular tires mounted, and then through on the Spikes when needed, I’d be into.

Slow Joe Crow
Slow Joe Crow
12 years ago

That looks a lot more elegant than putting 2 dozen zip ties on each wheel and it will work with rim brakes, unlike zip ties.

12 years ago

Would certainly make training on Ring Road in Delaware Park after a snowfall a lot more easier. Any word on venders.

12 years ago

Simple enough to add a lacing that would use the spokes as an anchor to keep the grippers from sliding to the side.

Surly Shawn
12 years ago

Big Fat Larry version, please!

Brian Clissold
Brian Clissold
12 years ago

When will these be available? And for how much USD?

9 years ago
Reply to  Brian Clissold

Bicycle studs do not damage any surfaces unless the rider skids continually, and then is neglegable. Then, there’s more damage to studs, as bicycles are not heavy, or have enough torque to damage hard surfaces.
These are a more needed item(s) than most appreciate. How else are riders to commute/ adventure in snow & ice, and be safe? The real issue is cost, durability, and maintenance.

10 years ago

Studs damage roads bike lanes and bike paths…

9 years ago

Bravo! A truelly great idea, I just (homemade) a similar set, but use used tires & cut-off bead. Slippage is an issue that is “easily” solvable. Need to be able to tighten them, or hold them without interfering with brake pads and frame/forks. I would love to offer these to customers of mine, if cost is reasonable. I have several ideas, perhaps to consult with designers?
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