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Can you Shred on a Fatbike? Cold Rolled 5: The SBR Shred Session

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Think about it this way – you can skid, drift, and flick all you want and no one can complain about you damaging the trails. Because it’s snow. Can you shred on a fatbike? That’s really a rhetorical question – you can shred on any bike. But when you have a purpose built, freshly groomed Snow Bike Route, riding it as fast as possible was bound to happen. The final segment of the Cold Rolled series brings the in depth look at Marquette’s fatbike culture to a close. Look for the whole film to be released on January 11.

Credits after the break.

COLD ROLLED-Chapter Five: The SBR Shred Session from Clear & Cold Cinema on Vimeo.

Cold Rolled-Chapter 5 of 5
The SBR Shred Session

Rider: Evan Simula
Song: “Nasty” by Break Science

Watch Chapter 1: vimeo.com/80375092
Watch Chapter 2: vimeo.com/80402798
Watch Chapter 3: vimeo.com/80379079
Watch Chapter 4: vimeo.com/80386440

Cold Rolled is an action documentary from Clear & Cold Cinema, Salsa Cycles and TravelMarquetteMichigan.com that will explore the history and progression of winter cycling culture in the small Lake Superior harbor town of Marquette, Michigan.

Chapter Five is the final chapter and showcases the fast and fun riding potential of a maintained snow singletrack trail.

Marquette’s Noquemanon Trails Network has nearly perfected equipment and techniques used to launch its Snow Bike Route (SBR), a 15-mile winter singletrack developed for fat tire bikes. The fast narrow trail features flowy terrain, steep descents and large bermed turns. It’s believed to be the first trail of its kind–but more importantly, it’s pretty fun.

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11 years ago

Sorry, but there is nothing “free ridy” about this video. We have bigger hits around here and rally our fatties down ski resorts. Hell, there is local kid riding a 40lb pugs at the djs.

This might be progressive for the 50+ crowd, but otherwise, these are not the droids you’re looking for…

11 years ago

A bit overhyped on the shred factor no? That cracked me up actually, I began thinking surely this is a parody.

11 years ago

Stay tuned, this afternoon I’m dropping a video of me “shredding” the Kurt Kinetic.

11 years ago

How many cliches can they cram in one three minute video? That’s what’s most impressive.

Also, I saw absolutely no riding that could be remotely considered “free ride.” None.

11 years ago

Video sucked, song sucked, dude skidded in the snow? yay! How ’bout making some jumps (like snowboarders do) out of that snow and double flipping the huge kicker thats in front of the huge cliff, thats what I could call “fatbike free-riding”

11 years ago

Bike Rumor’s “shredding” standards are a bit lower than the rest of the world apparently. Meh.

Eric NM
Eric NM
11 years ago

As an alternate viewpoint, nice video and edit. So what is the camera angle has been done before? Most importantly, it looks fun and makes me want to ride even though it was +11 degrees this morning here in NM.

And it’s easily the fastest I’ve ever seen a fatbike ridden in a video. (Have you ever noticed that the typical fatbike video shows the rider spinning madly and crawling along at roughly the same speed as your great uncle Morty on his three-wheeled trike in Boca?)

And as for you negative Nancys above, is your life so awful that you want to bring everybody else down to your level of misery? STFU and comment on WhinyBikerWho HatesHisLife.com; I’m sure they’d love to hear from you. Where does it ever say that this is a ‘free ride video’? Sheesh…

11 years ago

I’m more impressed with the trail/snow grooming than his shredding. But the whole thing struck me as mostly a waste of time. It would be better to ski those trails than coast down the hills, and get off to push the bike up the hills.

11 years ago

Yeah, I’m not getting a ‘freeride’ vibe. I’d rather see the adventure side of big-tire riding, rather than slow motion ‘art’ shots of skidding. Regardless, looks like a ton of fun, which is all that matters.

11 years ago

I thought it was cool. You haters crack me up.

11 years ago

It is a fun video, but it is NOT a freeride video, false advertising, very LAME for a freeride video.

11 years ago

Stay tuned. I’ll be posting a video of my daughter shredding a radio flyer.

11 years ago

Where are you guys pulling these these false advertising claims from? Does it say anything about being a ‘freeride’ video anywhere? It looks like fun, and I’d like to think that’s what riding bikes is all about.

11 years ago

Can I have my 3 minutes back? My niece does more “shredding” than this guy going up and down the block in the suburbs. For once, I was happy to see bikerumor’ers tearing up a post in the comments section. “In the future, fatbikes are going to be more like free-riding” Maybe wait until that day comes, THEN make the video.

The Conductor
The Conductor
11 years ago

So when Mr Shredder hits the bottom of the trail, does he pedal back to the top? Or does his pals drive the Jeep back up?

11 years ago

While fat bike riders are only going to increase in the future (I want one!) presently many are being ridden on XC ski trails groomed by and for XC skiers. Here’s a call out to all you far-bikers out there who ride on groomed XC ski trails, remember to throw some $ toward grooming costs. Contrary to what is stated above, when you ‘tear up a trail’ that was groomed for XC skiing it has to be rebuilt. In other words, share the load so we can all enjoy the trails.

11 years ago

I thought it was rad. I really wanted to go ride those trails, so pretty. Also, I thought the videography was really well done. Its a lot harder than you think, and not cliche, just good.
thanks for posting. (riding in the dry here in NM)

11 years ago

@BKUmpire, If you watched the video; freeriding is about the first thing he discusses fat bikes progressing towards.

The editing may have been well done but it was pretty cheesy and the riding looked like a lot more fun than most fat biking I’ve found.

11 years ago

Those trails were groomed pretty well that any kind of bike could have rode it.

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