If you want some outside help getting your city on the ball, Cascade Bicycle Club is willing to help.  You just have to get your friends to let them know that you want them to come to your town.  Here’s how:
PRESS RELEASE: Cascade will travel to five cities throughout the state this fall to meet with local bicyclists. We will work together to identify needs for advocacy in local communities for better facilities, as well as federal and state funding opportunities.  Sign up below and tell your friends if you are interested in attending a workshop.  We’ll travel to the five cities in Washington with the most interest.
Workshop topics may include:
- Effective Earned Media and Letter to the Editor Campaigns
- Bicycle Master Plans, Complete Streets and Universal Design
- Crunching the Numbers: Using Counts and Crash Data to Improve Conditions for Bicycling
- Working With Elected Officials… and Holding Them Accountable
- Winning Local Campaigns for Bicyclists
If you want to help bring these workshops to your area, please join the host committee.
Host Committee Responsibilities: Choosinging a date and location in your community, inviting local bicyclists and officials, working with Cascade staff to identify local priorities
Deadlines: Workshops will work around this year’s bike and pedestrian counts in September and October. To host a training to your city, contact organizer@cascadebicycleclub.org by August 31. Workshop dates, agendas and invitations must be ready to email out by September 15.