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Cowbell Challenge Mountain Bike Race Update

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Just 3 more weeks for the Cowbell Race Weekend…

Some of you have been asking how far is the black top road section of the marathon race to Fisher Farm Park; it is 6.25 miles to the dirt trails. The course: once inside the park will be about 9.25 miles of a race loop to do 5 times for a total of about 52.5 miles. The new sections will be done in two weeks; after the trails are complete I will be able to give the right about of miles on the race loop. Mark Sullivan of The Cycle Path and The Town of Davidson Park and Rec have worked together to provide more land use to max out the miles for the race loop. www.thecyclepath.net , www.ci.davidson.nc.us

There is a price increase of $10 per class on Monday, June 1st save some cash sign up by Sunday, next price increase is on race day goes up by $20 per class. Please go to the Cowbell Website, Sport Base Online or BikeReg to get preregistered, smile… www.cowbellchallenge.org

Homewood Suites is the Hotel Headquarters for the race, really great deal on a really nice hotel, $89 per night, take advantage of it and the benefits with the hotel stay. Package pick-up on Friday, Saturday night viewing of the Freedom Riders film, if you are staying at the Homewood Suites, you’ll get in for free. This rate can be booked by calling (704) 987-1818 or on-line at www.davidson.homewoodsuites.com , and use promotion code: CBC. 

The Viewing of the Film the Freedom Riders will be on Saturday night, June 20, at 7pm. The viewing of the film is a fundraiser for the PASA mtn bike club. $10 per ticket before June 19, $15 on Friday and out at the marathon race, $20 at the door and what does that get you, a beer mug, beer and wine will be served. Mountain Khakis will be there to; they are a sponsor of the movie and will be handed out info about their products to wear outside.

 www.freedomridersthemovie.com, www.bikepasa.com , www.mountainkhakis.com

Caburrus County EMS, will be keeping you safe on the trail and helping you out if by chance you forget how to ride your bike and fall down. These guys and gals will clean you up and send you back out on the bike; the Cabarrus County EMS will have their medic tent set up and be out roaming the course on bikes. www.cabarruscounty.us/ems/

If you are the fastest female or male out on the course, you’ll win a set of super fast rolling tires from KENDA. www.kendausa.com

Hope you got your climbing legs on for the first lap, you’ll be crowned  king or queen of the mtn race, one road climb and 4 or 5 climbs on the main loop, the winners will be awarded the SPECIALIZED kom red dotted helmet. www.specialized.com

Most Mtn Bikers enjoy beer the winners of each group will receive something good to drink with some help from Brawley’s Beverages.www.brawleysbeverage.com

 Inside the racers pick-up bag, Hammer gels, Clif bars and Honey Stinger chews, will keep you going on race day.

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