Whether riding on trail, gravel or smooth roads, long days in the saddle can be murder on your backside. Or, rather, your under-side. Even the best-designed saddles can rub riders the wrong way, leading to chafing, saddle sores, and all manner of aches and pains.
The post-ride waddles may be a laughing matter for cyclists who have been down these dark roads, but for Cushion-Aid, it’s not. So they did something about it…
Basically, the SaddleDonut is a simple device that sticks onto any saddle, with versions for men’s, women’s, and triathlon-style saddles. It is designed to place plush bubbles over the parts of a saddle that have the most intense contact with riders, directly under the sit bones. Not only does it add cushion, but it reduceslipping, chafing and the irritation and pain that movement can cause.
In fact, they say the stability it provides also keeps you hammering the pedals rather than awkwardly shifting around or standing every few miles, daydreaming about Gold Bond.

Christian Echavarria, the creator of the Cushion-Aid SaddleDonut, said he was inspired to create the cushion after experiencing awful saddle sores during the 3,000-mile Race Across America (R.A.A.M.). MSRP is $40, available now with free shipping worldwide.