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Cycling’s Week on the Web

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There’s a lot of great bicycle goodness on the web, and we can’t catch it all. With that in mind, we present a weekend round up that might just become a regular feature here on Bikerumor. Enjoy!

Michael Wallace, from Baltimore, Maryland gets creative with bicycle GPS tracking. He rides his bicycle around the city to sketch fun designs through GPS.   Among many of his designs, this Star Wars themed route caught our attention.  The AT-AT turned out great, but we hope it wasn’t because his destination was set to ‘Alderaan’.  More GPS designs featured at Michael Wallace’s website, WallyGPX.  Original story at Road.cc.

More happenings throughout the week after the break…

Bicycling and Dirtrag Subscriptions Nook iPad

Bicycling and Dirt Rag magazine are now compatible with your favorite e-readers.  Bicycling released an iPad app that allows subscribers to access information on the go.  Dirt Rag released an app (also for subscribers) on the Barnes & Noble Nook e-reader.  Two great magazines, two great e-readers.

Mohsen Saleh Recumbent Fashion Tandem

This recumbent bike looks more like a luxury automobile than a bicycle.  Mohsen Saleh’s prototype is sleek and attractive.  The long drivetrain common on many recumbent bikes is non-existent, being replaced by a front-drive system.  Because the prototype uses the front wheel to power the bike, Saleh designed a rear-wheel steering mechanism.  The goal of this bicycle is to be urban-friendly, easy to stop, and easy to maneuver.  Check it out here at Saleh’s blog, where he covers the pros and cons of his prototype and what he plans to change in future designs.  Thanks to Bicycledesign.net for the coverage of this!

Ghost and MEC Partner Bring Ghost Bikes to North America

Already well-established in Europe and Asia, Ghost Bikes teamed up with Mountain Equipment Co-op to bring their product to shops across Canada.  Ghost Bikes is a performance-driven brand based in Waldsassen, Germany.  In their partnership with Mountain Equipment Co-op, they will offer two hard-tail mountain bikes and one road bike.

Best of luck to Ghost Bike in their Canadian ventures, the first foray into North American for the brand. To read more about the partnership, check out the in depth coverage by NSMB.com.

Assos New Cycling Gear 2012

Assos announced a new line of cycling clothing for summer of 2012, including men’s and women’s cycling jerseys and a bib for ladies.  The Swiss brand’s products get a new fabric titled Type.vX121, which will likely replace some of their old pieces with the more technologically advanced line.  More pictures of this new line at BikeWorldNews.


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13 years ago

This started off full of win with a Star Wars GPS, but slowly went to hell and finished in robo Italian Terminator Asso ad.

13 years ago

@ Dan! Yeah mang, totally!

13 years ago

I dunno, those shades look like they’re from space.

13 years ago

The GPS thing seems a bit fishy to me – wonder if he has actual ride data…
Anyone could draw tracks with a GPS editor and pass them off as rides.
Crazy what people think is “art”.

13 years ago

Want mega man camel toe? Buy Assos.

Rob E.
Rob E.
13 years ago

@MB Sure, he could have just sketched, but there’s no reason to think he didn’t ride it either.
I tried doing the same thing with 30 Days of Biking, finding routes that would allow me to “paint” the number of the day with GPS. It wasn’t super hard, although some numbers were harder than others. It was more time consuming than anything else, and I gave up once I hit double digits. So I see no reason to think they’re not legit, and I think it’s pretty cool.

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