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David Beckham Cycles Without Helmet, Causes Uproar

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david-beckham-rides-bicycleToo-cool-for-school David Beckham (aka: Goldenballs.  aka: Becks) was recently photographed cycling without a helmet, much to the chagrin of UK cycling advocacy groups.

Angela Lee, the Bicycle Helmet Initiative Trust Chief Executive, said: ‘It is particularly disappointing that David Beckham – one of the most influential role models for young people – has been pictured this week riding a bicycle without a helmet.

‘This was a missed opportunity to show many children who are too ‘image conscious’ to wear bicycle helmets that they are an essential accessory for their safety.’

His children, who were riding bicycles with him, were wearing helmets.  Get the full story on Metro.co.uk

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14 years ago

I’ll go ahead and throw out the first piece of flame-bait:

Helmets don’t really make any difference in a crash, and actually give the rider a false sense of security! The Helmet Lobby is one of the worst organizations of our time!

*ducks and runs away*

14 years ago

Our idiotic president was photographed this past summer riding his bike without a helmet. He too seems to think helmets are optional.

14 years ago

As with all things in this world, we were gifted individual thought for a reason. Yes Phil, despite what the groups you so proudly count yourself amongst say, helmets are a choice. Just like you choose to attack people for differing points of view. Idiots? Indeed…

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