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Dr. Thompson Found Guilty on All Counts in L.A. Road Rage Case

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Dr. Christopher Thomas Thompson was found guilty on Monday of assaulting cyclists and could face up to five years in prison.

Thompson, who abruptly stopped his car in front of two cyclists, was handcuffed and ordered held without bail following the guilty verdict by the Los Angeles Superior Court Jury.  He was charged with six felonies and one misdemeanor.

Thompson was accused of assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving causing specified bodily injury, battery with serious bodily injury and mayhem. The most serious charges stem from a July 4, 2008, incident on Mandeville Canyon Road, the road where Thompson lives, where he was accused of abruptly stopping his car in front of two cyclists. Other charges relate to a similar incident on the same road that did not result in injuries.

Get the full story on VeloNews, photo by Chris Roberts.

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15 years ago

sweet justice! now the good doctor will get a whole different kind of being rear ended where he’s going

15 years ago

What justice? He hasn’t been sentenced yet. He potentially can still walk with a suspended sentence, he is a well moneyed doctor after all.

15 years ago

justice? hopefully.

more important though, is that the system finally found someone guilty of road rage. who knows what kind of sentence he will get, but it doesnt really matter that much. his life will forever be changed by this and hopefully major media outlets will pick this story up and allow motorists to see that if you endanger other road users there is a good chance you will be prosecuted.

i hope the cyclists involved are doing ok and have recovered from their injuries.

15 years ago

Even if the guy does ‘walk’ so to speak, with a conviction on his record he’s almost certain to lose his CA medical license and/or any hospital privileges he may have. After NY and OR, CA is one of the tougher states when it comes to revoking medical licensure.

15 years ago

It’s people like that doctor that make me sick…

15 years ago

if that’s done to me better make sure you incapacitate me, portable bike pump is good for more than just air!

15 years ago

Grendel, one bit of justice that immediately goes into effect will definitely affect his career: He’ll have at least one if not multiple ‘yes’ answers on both his medical licensure and hospital priviledge renewal applications-assuming he’s still practicing.
What that means is that on the questions pertaining to ‘have you ever been convicted of a felony, etc…?’ he will have to answer ‘yes’ even if he serves no jail time or pays any fines. If he answers ‘no’ and the Board finds out about his conviction his licensure and ability to practice in a hospital revoked. If he answers ‘yes’ which he now has to (even if this ruling gets over turned) he has to provide a litany of legal documentation and go before special peer review committees which at the very least is a big hassle and causes a bunch of delays. Usually in a case where bodily harm was committed against someone the committee’s will opt to revoke licensure and hospital privileges.

However, putting all of this into perspective (I’ve worked for a company that credentials MD’s and DO’s all over the US and overseas for 8 years) one would be surprised at how many CA licensed ER (emergency medicine) doctors have DUI’s and yet are still able to maintain their medical license. These DUI’s did not result in any injury or property damage-thus the difference.

Blows me away when I’m credentialing a doctor, particularly an ER doc or a PULM/Critical Care doc who have DUI’s. One would think that having seen all that trauma caused by DUI’s and auto accidents that they would want to avoid that at all costs. The only rationale explanation I’ve ever gotten from them is that they drink due to stress on the job. Go figure.

15 years ago

Something similar happened on I-70 west of Denver earlier this year… a lawyer who was legally intoxicated (with his kids in the car!) hit a cyclist. The cyclist (who apparently was also a lawyer) survived fortunately. It wasn’t his first DUI so disbarment was a foregone conclusion. I’m not sure where they are with the criminal prosecution now.

15 years ago

I have longed admired the cyclists who ride our roads. I watch them, they are working really hard and I always think Bravo for the effort and the fun they seem to have. As a driver, I am aware of their vulnerability and give them as much room as possible. After all, what’s the big deal if I slow down for 5 minutes. As a pedestrian, I too, recognize the dangers on the streets and have learned to walk defensively. I think ex-Dr. Thompson got a fair sentence. He could have killed two people and who knows how their injuries will impact them throughout their lives. Let’s hope he has learned his lesson.

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