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e-Bikerumor launches to cover e-Bikes, eMTB, battery tech & gear

e-bikerumor has all the best e-bike news tech rumors and reviews on eMTB commuters and pedal assist bicycles components and gear
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Dear Bikerumor readers,

We are pleased to introduce our new sister site, e-Bikerumor.com!

The e-bike market is expanding quickly, and we’ve heard from all of you and from the industry – It’s clear we needed a dedicated platform for that category. The technology for pedal-assist bicycles is growing fast, and their integration, features, power and range are all growing with it. These are exciting times for anyone looking at e-Bikes, whether it’s for commuting, mountain biking or cruising with a pack, and we’ll capture all of that on e-Bikerumor.

Going forward, you can expect more focused coverage on traditional bicycles, components and tech here on Bikerumor, with only the biggest e-Bike and eMTB news from the most important brands summarized on these pages. Daily e-bike updates will move to e-Bikerumor, which will also benefit from our fast-paced product & tech coverage we’re known for. That separation will provide readers looking for the best e-bike coverage one resource for everything they want to know, and means our traditional Bikerumor readers will see more focused coverage of traditional bicycles here.

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In addition to the gadget and tech stream, we’ll use our years of industry experience, deep technical expertise and broad industry connections to provide a comprehensive look at the technology behind the batteries, motors and control systems. The e-bike category is still young. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to choose the best e-bike, best system and best technology for a given use and budget. And, of course, to geek out on the tech!

The new site is live now, with curated selection of past electric bicycle coverage from Bikerumor, PLUS new tech articles specific to e-Bikes. And there’s a LOT more to come. Please check it out, and let us know what you think. Enjoy!

Tyler Benedict
Founder, Bikerumor & e-Bikerumor

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Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot
7 years ago

Congrats Tyler!

7 years ago

Good job! Much appreciated.

Ryan S.
Ryan S.
7 years ago

Pleased is an understatement! Thank you and good riddance. 😉

Pete I. Staker
Pete I. Staker
7 years ago


loves e bikes
loves e bikes
7 years ago


7 years ago

Good gosh, thank you!

7 years ago

A year from now you should publish the relative site visit stats….

7 years ago

First thought: they hit “publish” on the April Fools’ post a wee bit early.
Second thought: wait, whut?
Third thought: thank goodness.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dude

hahahah escatly

7 years ago

That’s one way to get positive comments on a BikeRumor post about eBikes! Congrats on the seemingly impossible!

7 years ago

All right, now when will you publish the g-bikerumer.com sister site for gravel related news?

Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot
7 years ago
Reply to  slackers

I thought it would be for gangster road riders.

7 years ago
Reply to  slackers

Thought you meant for Gas assisted bicycles :O)

7 years ago

Hope it works and appeases those that seemingly are so upset seeing something they can easily just not read.
I’ll say I like all my bike news in one spot and operating like a scared ostrich is juvenile. I don’t need my news filtered for me. So I’ll go on record and state that e-Bike…isn’t needed or desired for this patron.

7 years ago

What is this e-bikerumor?!? Oh, wait….

….I’ll show myself out.

7 years ago

I’m sure that e-bikes will eclipse bicycles as a financial product in the next few years. For those cyclists who quite understandably could not care less about any variation of ‘cyclomoteurs’ however, it’s great to finally get them out of here. Thanks so much.

7 years ago

I agree with JBikes. What I especially like about BikeRumor is that it’s an aggregate of bicycle tech news. E-Bikes are part of that. If people don’t like a certain category or subject on this site they have the easiest possible solution to it: simply don’t click on it.

Nathan Balsdon
Nathan Balsdon
7 years ago

I may be the only one, but i am disappointing that the e-content will be gone. Like it or not E-bikes are a massive new force in our industry and while I have no interest in getting one myself I am still interested in the new developments…. but not enough to add an E specific blog to my list.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nathan Balsdon

Nathan, Major updates will still be on bikerumor – E-bikerumor will be just more in depth.

7 years ago
Reply to  bart

ok thank god. most of the folks in my circle of friends care enough that we want to stay in the know for e-bikes, but dont really care enough to go completely out of our way to read about them. i was initially kinda bummed to hear that the e-bike news was going to disappear from here, but glad it’s not.

honestly if e-bike stuff disappeared completely from here and i had to go to two separate pages to read about bike/e-bike, you would lose me as a reader all together.

thank you

Shawn P Austin
Shawn P Austin
7 years ago
Reply to  bart

So, you’ll have major non-motorized updates on E-bikerumor then too, right ;-)? I suggest a clean break man. Link the two sites to each other but that’s it. This should end E-bike articles on this bike unless it has something to do with advocacy issues that affect non-motorized MTBs. Definitely no articles on E-bike tech or riding, or E-bike or E-component reviews or anything like that. Otherwise, what’s the point of even doing this.

7 years ago

Can you post any Zwift stories and stationary trainer stories on indoorfitnessenthusiastrumour.com. it’s not cycling.

7 years ago
Reply to  Marko

It is cycling, but it’s cycling broken down to it’s most basic mechanical action. The beige of cycling, technically a colour but with none of the personality of it’s other forms.

7 years ago
Reply to  JNH

It is exercising, not cycling.

7 years ago
Reply to  JNH

You wouldn’t consider playing Forza 7 on Xbox driving, right?

7 years ago
Reply to  Ettore

You wouldn’t consider a doctor using robotic arms controlled from another room surgery, right?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jonathon

That would be more like sending a robot out to ride that is controlled by your trainer…

The Dude
The Dude
7 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

You wouldn’t consider a bunch of whiners on a forum to be credible right?

Tom in MN
Tom in MN
7 years ago

So here we’ll just get eBikeHumor from now on?

7 years ago

Good luck with your spin off Bikerumor, I hope if nothing else it leads to lower demand for comment moderation.

7 years ago

I suppose that now you need to have separate Tri-bikerumor, Fat-bikerumor, MTB-bikerumor and Crowdfund-bike rumor sites as well.

7 years ago

Great news. This means no more e-crap on this site, correct?!

7 years ago

Good move and good riddance. Now if e-bike riders would only lobby for and build their own trails everything would be hunky-dory. I would even give money to support e-bike only trails.

7 years ago
Reply to  David

They’re called moto trails, brap brap

Eggs Benedict a.k.a Darth Baller
Eggs Benedict a.k.a Darth Baller
7 years ago

I think you should have called it e-bikeharmony.

7 years ago

Now the regular bikerumor site can focus more on actual parts of the industry…like BMX!

Jason Woods
Jason Woods
7 years ago

Well, considering that motorized cycles aren’t bicycles by definition, this is long overdue. I know, I know, label me a “hater,” but motors are motors, and I have yet to see anyone riding the damn things without the motor’s “assistance.”

7 years ago

Good riddance to non-bicycle content.

7 years ago

Fine. At last. And thanks, Bikerumor, for clever decision.

7 years ago

Tyler this is great news. I am a daily consumer of your sites content and believe this move to be in everyone’s best interest. Traditional cycling news is back and Christmas is truly coming early this year!

7 years ago

Great stuff, will check both sites now daily!

7 years ago

Great news. While I will not be regularly reading e-bikerumor, I must say the website format looks much better than the current bikerumor one.

7 years ago

It’s sad you’ve decided to bend to the will of the professionally offended.

7 years ago
Reply to  GZA

E-bikes are already regulated in many states & countries, sometimes with multiple classes depending on power. The 20mph & under is the newest U.S. class to address these motor vehicles, otherwise they fall into mopeds or motorcycles.

So if e-bikes are part of the bicycle industry (as many comments suggest), then why all the regulations?
Simple answer: they are NOT.

That bicycle makers may choose to also make e-bikes, or dealers choosing to also sell motorized vehicles, does not make an e-bike a bicycle. No more so than some bloke who fancies getting e-bike news items amongst bicycle news.

Two separate worlds, my friends. Might appear similar in appearances, but very different.

7 years ago
Reply to  GZA

So you are offended that it motorcycles news is leaving? More like many of us here are just calling a spade a spade. “Has a motor” is a motorcycle.

7 years ago
Reply to  GZA

LMAO ! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  GZA

What is sad is that e-bike riders fail to see that they are not real bicycles, but bicycles with a motor, and yet still feel that should be included in the same group as real bicycles.

7 years ago
Reply to  David

So when you go to the LBS and they have e-bikes, do you raise a stink and make comments to the shop owner of how he should build a separate (but equal?) facility to house his “mopeds”?

7 years ago
Reply to  GZA

Hey! Who you call professional, huh? Huh!!? 🙂

7 years ago

Could have just called it MotorbikeRumor. But seriously, thanks so much. Hopefully the site dies out due to lack of interest. If only.

7 years ago
Reply to  Foolcyclist


7 years ago
Reply to  Foolcyclist


Rivers Mitchell
Rivers Mitchell
7 years ago

Thank you for keeping them separate!

7 years ago

Will you put a link at the top of each site’s homepage that connects to the other site?

7 years ago

Just a little past the season, but I guess I’m thankful that I either got to skip winter this year and head straight to April, or that we’ve gotten an admission that human powered bikes are not peers to bikes with motors.

There are two sides to cycling media: readers and advertisers. The former cares about cycling, the latter about selling. When new categories and millimeter-incompatible standards stopped moving the needle, the industry set off for the New World of e-bikes.

Here in the Old World we may be interested in how that pans out, but not on a daily basis. A letter around Christmastime ought to be enough.

7 years ago

Count me in the disappointed camp. Whether the cry babies like it or now, e-bikes are and will continue to be a big part of the market. It is much simpler for them to pass over a story (vs taking the time to read and comment on something they claim not to care about) than it is for the rest of us to visit multiple sites. I find it unlikely I’ll ever take the time to visit the other site, and see other sites becoming my “go to” sites as they cover all aspects of cycling.

7 years ago

I like it. I will continue to frequent BikeRumor twice daily and now have added E.BikeRumor to my bookmarks. Being just as interested in both E.bikes and non-E.bikes it’s great that there will now be a site as good as BikeRumor that is focusing on E.bike news.

jonathan seely
jonathan seely
7 years ago

At first I was a bit sad to see that bikerumor caved to the whims of curmudgeons who can’t scroll past a post, but, I think its a good move seeing as you’re keeping major e-bike content on BR. Hopefully e-bikerumor allows you to go more in depth into one of the fastest growing industry segments without all the luddites shaking their canes in the air and yelling “back in my day…”

7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago

Finally times a million.

7 years ago

Gross but please don’t link those posts here

7 years ago

Are there more bearded urban-lumberjacks on ebike rumor?

7 years ago

Will there be a better concentration of urban lumberjacks on ebike rumor?

7 years ago

Internet trolls rejoice worldwide

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