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ENVE pays for old carbon, so you trade-in & trade-up to their latest carbon wheels

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Enve’s new limited time Trade In and Trade Up wants to get more cyclists riding their latest American-made M Series, G Series, and SES wheels. So if you have an older, ridable carbon wheelset, either from Enve or any other company, Enve will give you a hefty trade-in bonus towards the purchase of one of their new sets of carbon wheels.

ENVE Trade In & Trade Up limited time upgrade program

It’s pretty simple. If you send Enve back one of their own used carbon wheelsets, Enve will give you $1000 off a new set of wheels. Send back any other wheel maker’s carbon wheels and they’ll still give you a $700 discount. The only limitations are that the upgrade program is only available in the US, and the wheels have to be in ridable condition, ie. not crashed or broken wheels.

Enve is pretty psyched on their latest M-series wheels for making flats a thing of the past, the G-series for grinding away the gravel, and the SES wheels for delivering race-worthy aero & stability gains.

To get in on the upgrade deal, carbon wheel owners/buyers can go through a local shop dealer, through a number of participating online retailers, or even direct to Enve. They’ll even pick up the tab for return shipping your old wheels.

Enve recognizes that their wheels aren’t the cheapest on the market, and they want to reward long-time customers with a deal on getting the latest carbon tech, as well as a chance for cyclists who bought other lesser wheels to step up to their premium offering.

“Our message with the ENVE Upgrade Program is simply that not all carbon is created equal, and we want our people to have the best ride experience they can have on a bike. Since day one ENVE has been focused on building a no holds barred carbon rim; we don’t take shortcuts to cut cost, and we manufacture in the US because it allows us to make a better product. Our goal at ENVE is to simply produce the best. It is our hope that this upgrade program will give more riders access to the ride experience that ENVE ownership delivers.”

The Trade In and Trade Up program is available for a limited time only. But US buyers do have until the end of 2018 to get a new set of wheels sorted out. All wheels purchased through the upgrade program are still backed by the Enve Factory Warranty that includes lifetime incident protection covering free repair/replacement of any impact damage to the original owner.


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6 years ago

so you get rid of a perfectly good set of wheels just so you can spend more money to get a different set of wheels? That sounds about right for the average ENVE wheel rider. Posers gotta pose.

Funny part is, even with the discount their stuff is still over priced compared to others.

6 years ago

“Funny part is, even with the discount their stuff is still over priced compared to others.”
^^^^^^this exactly^^^^^^
I was thinking “wow I can maybe get ride of my 12×142 enve’s and go boost. Even with 1000.00 they are still 1800.00. There are so many other wheels I can get for a lot less than 1800 that yes would be on par if not better than these. Enve has lost touch with the market. Or they have 100% dentist as customers.

Celest Greene
Celest Greene
6 years ago

Making things is hard. Legitimate R&D and domestic manufacturing make things even harder (and more expensive) . Carbon wheels at all levels have become pretty consistently good, which makes standing out harder- wide tire aero and off road ride quality are the next big challenges.

Even if I can’t justify a pair of Enve wheels right now, if I had the money they would be near the top of my list.

6 years ago
Reply to  Celest Greene

Agree. Having real engineers doing real engineering costs money. Tooling is expensive, R&D is expensive, yadda yadda yadda. I didn’t know if ENVE wheels were worth it, then I rode my first pair and have been hooked ever since. They aren’t for everyone, but if you can afford it go for it. Best MTB wheels I have owned hands down. (Their road wheels are great too, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to say they are the GOAT)

6 years ago
Reply to  comrad

You are implying that companies like Nox, Whiskey, Roval, etc. don’t do any “real” engineering, which isn’t true (they do their engineering work in the States as well).

Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot
6 years ago

What are they doing with the wheels they take in? Would be great if they went to NICA, Junior development riders, or Collegiate racers. Hopefully they’re not just destroyed.

6 years ago

I doubt their Legal department would allow for anything but destroy.

Reminds me of that homeless dude who gave his last $20 to that woman, who then started a GoFundMe site, raised like $400K, and now they’re embroiled in a nasty lawsuit.

Even benevolence gets you in trouble in the USA.

6 years ago
Reply to  Flatbiller

I wonder if they could part the wheels out… The Chris king hubs are worth something. Heck, they might even get polished up and stuck on some new wheels for allwe knoe…Or maybe they wind up unloading them on eBay but through a private channel and not directly as enve.

However, if I put money on it, I would say to check out enve’s dumpsters over the next few months to score some free carbon wheels.

6 years ago

Maybe I’m weird, but I’m just going to ride my Enve’s until I break them, then worry about replacements. If it ain’t broke, and all that. I have some 29er XCs that I like to beat the crap out of.

6 years ago

Light Bicycle makes very good rims and you can lace them up with whatever hubs and spokes you want.

6 years ago
Reply to  tyler

You can do that with Enve rims, too. Just go to any of the loads of wheel builders and say, “Hey, I’d like Enve rims built with the spokes and hubs that I like.”

6 years ago

Wow. Just sold (practically gave away) my set of Enve classic 45 tubs for $200 on ebay a week ago….wtf

6 years ago

Maybe they are doing this out of benevolence or maybe it is because their prior stuff was prone to a lot of problems and this is solving those problems with nice PR.

6 years ago

So they can afford to knock off $700-1000 on a set of wheels to sell some extra sets. What does that tell you about the regular price? overpriced branding much? There are plenty of more reasonable priced carbon rims out there that perform just as well and cost half as much.

6 years ago

Alotta salty china carbon rim owners in here 🙂

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