I’m not the best at keeping a pack on me while riding, and my friends remind me of this every time I get a flat. Having a pack of some kind to carry tools to get yourself out of a pinch, or enough water to last the journey, can make or break a long day of riding. Evoc provides a range of bags that suit many needs, if it’s strapped to a back, hugging a hip, or clipped to a saddle they’ve probably got it.
We’ve been given a sneak peek at weights and features of what’s to come for EuroBike next month…

Starting with the Lite Performance Backpack, the lineup comes equipped with their Climate Control (CC) ventilation system keeping air flowing around the rider’s back. The the Air Pad cushions reduce the contact points between the bag and rider, and their spacing allows for channels of air. Additionally, the pad’s surface resists absorbing sweat and water to avoid becoming a sponge.
Evoc’s Brace Link allows the rider to adjust the width of the shoulder straps further enhancing the comfort aspect of the pack. The following are the specifications of the CC 6, 10, and 16 liter packs:
CC 16 l
Weight: 695 g
Price: 95 € : 120 € (with 2l bladder)
CC 10 l
Weight: 655 g
Price: 85 € : 110 € (with 2l bladder)
CC 6 l
Weight: 525 g
Price: 70 € : 95 € (with 2l bladder)
The Hip Pack Race editions provide a light weight alternative to larger packs, and offers the same Air Flow Contact points found in the Technical Performance packs. We got an earlier sneak peek at these during Sea Otter, and from outward appearances, they look like winners.
The Air Flow Contact system allows for air to move through the contact points of the pack. Additionally, the Hip Pack features an improved Venti Flap system which allows for the pack to be adjusted for optimal breath-ability on climbs, and security on descents. Conveniently there’s a magnetic clip holding the hydration tube while it’s unused.
Capacity: 3 l
Weight: 375 g : 505 g (with 130 g – 1.5l bladder)
Price: 65 € : 90 € (with 1.5l bladder)