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Floyd Landis Admits Doping, Accuses Armstrong and Others

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Landis lines up at the 2009 US Pro Championships
Landis lines up at the 2009 US Pro Championships

After spending more than $2 million of his own money over four years to defend his innocence, Floyd Landis has admitted to using banned performance enhancing drugs and techniques for most of his professional career.

In emails sent to several cycling officials recently, Landis admitted to doping in various forms, including using saved blood, testosterone patches and other performance enhancing drugs since 2002, the year he joined the U.S. Postal Service team. (The officials are remaining anonymous citing ongoing investigations)

In addition to admitting his own guilt, Landis said in the letters that 7-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, current U.S. road racing national champion George Hincapie, three-time Tour of California champion Levi Leipheimer and five-time U.S. time trial champion David Zabriskie also participated in doping, and that it was tolerated by team managers Andy Rihs (Phonak) and Johan Bruyneel (then with Postal).

In a phone interview with ESPN, Landis admitted that he has no evidence to support his accusations against his former teammates and fellow riders, coaches and even some national and international officials.  In the interview, Landis states:

“I want to clear my conscience. I don’t want to be part of the problem any more.

He continued:

“With the benefit of hindsight and a somewhat different perspective, I made some misjudgments. And of course, I can sit here and say all day long, ‘If I could do it again I’d do something different,’ but I just don’t have that choice.”

Why come forward now?  Afterall, he’s racing on a 2nd tier (though solid) pro team with the Bahati Foundation, so it’s not like there’s much to prove.  Landis says the timing is important because the 8-year statute of limitations on doping offenses is coming up, and if anything is to be done about the alleged doping by the other riders, he had to speak up now or it would be pointless. (Anyone else see another nasty, bitter court and public opinion battle similar to that between Armstrong and Lemond coming?)

Landis says he spent up to $90,000 per year on doping products and procedures, and according to a NY Times article, at times stored bags of blood in Armstrong’s Girona, Spain, apartment…next to bags belonging to Armstrong and Hincapie.

Amid the Tour of California racing, the aforementioned riders were unavailable for comment on Wednesday night as these allegations came out, but Bruyneel and Armstrong plan to make an announcement prior to the start of today’s Stage 5 at the AToC (which starts at 10:45am PST).

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14 years ago

OK kids, fasten your seatbelts…this is gonna get bumpy.

14 years ago

They should make the steroid injections mandatory already and be done with it.

brian keyte
brian keyte
14 years ago

Deny, deny, deny….then get busted and ask for forgiveness. It’s a sad, sad world we live in when the people we idolize and those that lead our governments lie to our faces and behind our backs, daily.
When (yes, I typed ‘when’) the others get caught, please don’t act surprised, apparently it’s “human nature”.

14 years ago

What a jerk. I actually wanted to believe this guy.

14 years ago

does everyone really believe that all the ‘clean’ riders are truly clean? when guys getting popped for doping can’t even beat the top ‘clean’ guys!? Seems the clean guys are the ones who haven’t been caught….yet. I’m not condeming or condoning here… just a realist. We’ll all still watch the tour and buy $10k road bikes, no matter what. we shouldn’t care if they dope or not, only the riders who are truly clean that lose a contract for the following year, due to a doping rider taking their spot, should care! we should all just stop the negative public opinion of this whole issue – it only hurts our sport! Racers will always dope, they are human, let it be!

14 years ago

If everyone dopes, is it cheating? We ask our athletes to kill themselves for us, and then turn away in shame and take no responsibility for the consequences.

14 years ago

Good stuff. Of course now Bruyneel and Armstrong will get the PR machine rolling and deny everything and start distancing themselves. It’s sad that so much effort is spent on continual lying.

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