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Full Windsor’s The Breaker multi tool now available

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As Full Windsor tells us after extensive analysis, The Breaker is the preferred biking multi tool of 9 out of 10 toy astronauts. In all seriousness, we covered the Kickstarter campaign for The Breaker just over a year ago and it looked like a nice alternative to the tiny chain tools we usually find in a multi tool designed to be taken on a ride. It took Full Windsor a bit more time to reward all of their crowd funders, but before the end of 2015 they wrapped up the campaign and fulfilled all of their preorders. Now that that’s out of the way, they are moving onto regular sales. Check out the details and pricing after the break…


The Breaker builds off their Nutter tool and uses its 7″ long, hardened stainless steel lever for both good leverage as a full-sized chain breaker with a tool steel pin and a nylon tipped tire lever.

Full-Windsor_The-Breaker_multi-tool_pouch_on_handlebar Full-Windsor_The-Breaker_multi-tool_case_bundled

The Breaker comes with either a black or brown leather carrying case that uses recycled inner tube rubber inside to hold everything in place. It can be easily hung from a saddle with bag loops, from a handlebar around the stem, or even works well to strap together a mini pump and a tube to ride along in a jersey pocket.

Full-Windsor_The-Breaker_multi-tool_holding-astronaut Full-Windsor_The-Breaker_multi-tool_astronaut-guitar

The Breaker also includes a spoke key, Philips head screw driver, T25, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8mm bits and a bit extender. The multi tool sells for £45 (~60€ or $65) available from their website. Shipping is free in the UK, and ~9€ to Europe or ~$7 to the US.


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9 years ago

I like the looks of the tool, but I’m not really interested in the leather case that must double the weight and triple the bulk. If they had a better way to secure the bits to the tool (little rubber/silicone strap with spots for each bit?) I’d be sold.

9 years ago

I love the randomness of a toy astronaut figure holding the tool in various poses.

9 years ago

Who will be the first to use that tire spoon on their CF rims?

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
8 years ago

How is this in any way better than a Park mini chain tool and an i-beam? The Park mini chain tool is the best… I reach for it before any other full size tool – including the Shimano one with the rosewood handle.

8 years ago

I actually bought this on kickstarted (the only thing I’ve ever bought on there) and literally got it about 2-3 months ago. It took so long I completely forgot about the whole thing. Anyways – it’s a mess. There is no way I will be carrying this with any intention of actually using it. I highly recommend sticking with a couple of tire levers and a trusty multitool. This is the reason I don’t buy anything after having a few beers.

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