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Georgia Bikes Rides to the Capital

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Who: Georgia Bikes! and others including event sponsors will host over 1,000 cyclists from Decatur, and Roswell led respectively by their Mayors, Bill Floyd and Jere Wood for “Georgia Rides to the Capitol.” Other mayors are expected to join at the starts or along the way since the 66-city strong Metropolitan Atlanta Mayors Association (MAMA) has endorsed the ride in conjunction with a pledge of support for development of a regionally-connected bicycle and pedestrian system. Speakers will include local and state dignitaries.

What: This is the fourth year for “Georgia Rides to the Capitol,” an event where cyclists will embark on police-escorted rides to the Capitol in order to raise support for improved conditions for all types of bicycling in Georgia, including the development of regional systems of bicycling and pedestrian networks.

When: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, during the 2009 legislative session Estimated time of arrival at the Capitol is 11:40 a.m. Speakers and other dignitaries will be available for interviews and photos immediately following speeches at the Capitol steps.

Estimated departure times from originating cities are:
Roswell at 9:45 a.m.
Decatur at 10:45 a.m.

Where: Both routes will converge for the final approach to the Capitol. The routes will vary in length and difficulty. Route maps and time information are posted on the event Web site (www.georgiaridestothecapitol.org/) Decatur (from East Lake Marta rail station parking) will be 5 miles one-way, with some hills, and ridden at a slow pace. Roswell (from Roswell City Hall) will be 21 miles one-way, very hilly, and ridden at a 12MPH pace.

Why: To secure support for the development of a system of regional bike and pedestrian trails that provides for the creation of new trails and connectivity to existing trials.

MAMA also intends to raise awareness of the benefits of bicycling as an important form of transportation; a beneficial economic development and tourism tool; a great way to maintain health and fitness; and a great sport and family activity.

Visit www.georgiaridestothecapitol.org for more information.

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Joe Seconder
16 years ago

There’s several alternate points to start and participate for this event too. See the “View Routes” link from the main website. Bike Cobb is coordinating an East-Cobb Start, linking up with the Roswell Riders as they cross the Chattahoochee River. We’ll have police escort to the Fulton County line. Bob Ott, tHe newly-elected bike-friendly County Commissioner has confirmed he will be present to send us off. Local press is confirmed to be there and there will be wrenches from Freeflite and Silver Comet Depot for last-minute bike checks.



Joe Seconder
President, Bike Cobb

16 years ago

MAMA also intends to raise awareness of the benefits of bicycling as an important form of transportation; a beneficial economic development and tourism tool; a great way to maintain health and fitness; and a great sport and family activity.

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