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How Bikes Cause Global Warming

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This article was inspired by a humorous little post from Ron at CozyBeeHive about making some serious commitments to reducing your cycling carbon footprint (get it?) in 2009.  It starts off with alarmist language, charts and graphs…which is funny (to me, anyway) because my friends and I have recently been debating whether or not humans are actually causing global warming or if there’s something larger at work (ie. the Sun).  If you’re interested, there are some links that attempt to debunk the “myth” of global warming when you read “more”…

As for me, I ride my bike for most errands and do what I can to reduce my own energy consumption, but my reasons for doing so center around fitness and reducing pollution.  I’m on the fence as to what the real human contribution to global warming is.

Just a quick note: I’m not attempting to sway anyone’s opinion here, just provide information.  Personally, I think even if all the global warming scare is false, if it helps move us beyond coal and fossil fuels, the world will be a cleaner place for it and the U.S. may be a little more self reliant in terms of energy use, which IMO would lead to better overall foreign policy.

My friend would argue that policy based on bad science is bad policy.  What’s more important…the means or the end?

Anywhoo, for what it’s worth:

Here is a simple graph showing sunspots vs. temperature anomalies, the claim being that sunspots tend to match up with historically warmer periods on the earth:

The Great Global Warming Swindle:

Global Warming Doomsday Called off:

But, then again, Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system even though Mercury is closer to the Sun.  Venus’ atmosphere is made up primarily of CO2.  Coincidence?

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Robin Bonin
16 years ago

My only problem with this article, is some hippy out there is going to read this and think it’s true.
That being said I’ll probably get stuck behind some naked hippy on a bike tomorrow on my way to work.

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